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critique anyone want to critique the first act of my scifi thriller?

Thanks. I was joking mainly. I feel your frustration, way too much tearing down. I understand critique, hell I asked for it and I appreciate it (as long as it is constructive). However I have been in contact with editor and even though his system is outdated, he seems to be quite pleasant in our PM's. I wonder if it is on purpose like R.R. Martian's old dos setup or Woody's typewriter for that matter; I will have to ask him.

Thanks. I was joking mainly. I feel your frustration, way too much tearing down. I understand critique, hell I asked for it and I appreciate it (as long as it is constructive). However I have been in contact with editor and even though his system is outdated, he seems to be quite pleasant in our PM's. I wonder if it is on purpose like R.R. Martian's old dos setup or Woody's typewriter for that matter; I will have to ask him.


Dearest Diamondwind, you have my own screenplay. I expect to "get it in the neck" just as much as I gave it. The only response that I fewel would be unfair to my screenplay would be... no response... so you reading and comments would be most urgently delightfully received, not matter how vbald they are.

I would much rather take a whipping from all of you here than waste several thousand dollars having a bunch of Film Festival film reviewers keep sending "feel good" crap that simply encourages me to keep shelling out the readies. (Indeed, I actually got banned from Bluecat after my response to their critique in which all the reviewer basically said was "nice script, keep writing" and only for me to be dumped out of the contest. COuldn't care less about losing, but not being told anything bad about a screenplay that's obvously adrift somewhere really annoyed me when I'd paid them to do so) As I say to all my reviewers, "don't bother to say anything nice, just tell me what's wrong, where it went wrong, or, if you can't determine that, at least where you took a toilet break". (When people take toilet breaks durig a reading might seem unrelated, but wher 15 people just happen to have taken their toilet break on PRECISELY THE SAME SCENE, you know that's where your stoy got so thin, they fell back to reality and remembered that they needed a wee!)