Anyone seen Spiderman?

It's OK, though I preferred the Tobey MacGuire origin version. I wish they'd just continue instead of doing a trilogy and going back to square one again.
I saw it on the release date, and I saw it again today.

I loved it. Thought they nailed the character perfectly, whilst also going in an interesting direction. I never liked the Raimi films, as it just never felt like Spider-Man to me. I also had too many nitpicks with those films.

Garfield managed to bring the real Parker out whilst also adding something new to it. Spidey was actually funny in costume. And I think they nailed the secluded spider feel with the whole character, including certain body characteristics.

Only problems I had were some corny parts, but at least it wasn't overwhelming like the Raimi films, and also the villain felt a bit underused, but I think that's down to Sony's doing as they want a trilogy out of it, so I guess they cut it down a bit.

Well, the new bridge scene with the kid was corny, but that's just IMHO. The interaction between Uncle Ben and Peter wasn't as good as the previous one, but, again, that's just IMHO.
I felt in this one you got know Uncle Ben a bit more. Especially considering it resonated throughout the entire film.
In my opinion, the new one is completely lacking in humor, and that pretty much ruined it for me. The action was cool enough, and I thought it mostly rang true on an emotional level. Plus, I think they did a great job utilizing the 3D. So, overall, it's a pretty good movie.

I just didn't think it was very fun, so in the end, it gets a lukewarm B- from me.
I didn't see it, but doesn't the movie feel unnecessary? I honestly don't think it's worth watching the same scenes redone but with a younger kid with a smirk on his face during the whole movie (or at least that's what he looks like in the trailers).
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Well at least the movie was enough different form the other films to make it worth watching. They did not do a exact remake it is quite different. I agree that the prior films were funnier and I did like Toby better. I liked the old Ben better then the new one. This film was not as good as the others but was still worth watching.

I really liked Spiderman 1 and 2 from Raimi. This new Amazing Spiderman was better than I thought it would be. It was a decent movie and probably better than Spiderman 3.

I thought the lizard bad guy could have been better but it was pretty good. Reminded me of the hulk. The bad guys in Spiderman 1 and 2 were much better.

I like Emma Stone and I look forward to see her in the next Spiderman film. Hopefully the next film is better then Amazing Spiderman was.

How many evil scientists can there be in Spiderman? This makes 3 from the films.
In my opinion, the new one is completely lacking in humor, and that pretty much ruined it for me. The action was cool enough, and I thought it mostly rang true on an emotional level. Plus, I think they did a great job utilizing the 3D. So, overall, it's a pretty good movie.

I just didn't think it was very fun, so in the end, it gets a lukewarm B- from me.

The first series was the one lacking in humor. Spider-man is supposed to have a sense of humor, which he finally did with this series. And there was more fighting in it... the first trilogy seemed more like a soap opera and Mary Jane seemed more like the main character than Peter at times.

I think the new one is better than all three of Raimi's combined, and I hope they keep this series going as long as possible... I even read they wanted to work a stand-alone Venom movie into this universe, which would make me nerdgasm (that's a word!!) God, I hate Raimi for what he did to Venom...
I saw it on the release date, and I saw it again today.

I loved it. Thought they nailed the character perfectly, whilst also going in an interesting direction. I never liked the Raimi films, as it just never felt like Spider-Man to me. I also had too many nitpicks with those films.

Garfield managed to bring the real Parker out whilst also adding something new to it. Spidey was actually funny in costume. And I think they nailed the secluded spider feel with the whole character, including certain body characteristics.

Only problems I had were some corny parts, but at least it wasn't overwhelming like the Raimi films, and also the villain felt a bit underused, but I think that's down to Sony's doing as they want a trilogy out of it, so I guess they cut it down a bit.


Yeah, the new one was way better... I just finished playing the video-game which acts as a sort of sequel, and the story for that was captivating... they should've used the story in the game for a movie sequel
I didn't like it very much. I felt like Raimi's shadow looms over the entire film. "Up! We can't do it that way! Too much like what Raimi did!" It seemed to me they did everything completely opposite of what Raimi did, regardless of which would work better. As far as performances go, I can say this: In the original, I felt MacGuire was a good Peter Parker, but a bad Spiderman. This time, I think it's reversed.

Or maybe it's just me? I thought the same thing about Keaton vs. Bale. With the exception of that TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE growling voice that Bale does, I thought he was the better Batman, and Keaton was the superior Bruce Wayne.

This film just didn't do everything I needed it to. I give it a 60%.

EDIT: Also, I thought I'd add that I'd give Raimi's version a 90%, and Raimi's second a 95%.
I didn't like Raimi focusing on MJ's stage play - who cares, actually? - but I would have preferred continuing with the series rather than rebooting.
This, in my opinion is the most unnecessary reboot/remake/whatever you want to call it ever. Most of the other reboots coming out now-a-days are rebooting films that are at least 15 years old. And even then, films like Scre4m are resurrecting, not rebooting. Yet, people still call it a reboot. Logic?

I don't see the point in rebooting a series of a films for a new audience when the original is only ten years old, and the latest sequel is only five. The target audience--people from 10 to 20--remember the film. Hell, Spiderman 2 comes on FX every other day! Who hasn't seen it by now would be a better question than who has.
This, in my opinion is the most unnecessary reboot/remake/whatever you want to call it ever. Most of the other reboots coming out now-a-days are rebooting films that are at least 15 years old. And even then, films like Scre4m are resurrecting, not rebooting. Yet, people still call it a reboot. Logic?

I don't see the point in rebooting a series of a films for a new audience when the original is only ten years old, and the latest sequel is only five. The target audience--people from 10 to 20--remember the film. Hell, Spiderman 2 comes on FX every other day! Who hasn't seen it by now would be a better question than who has.

Sony loses rights to the character if they stop making Spiderman movies. So we can expect to see a new series, as soon as this one Peters out (no pun intended). And another one after that. Until people stop buying tickets.
This, in my opinion is the most unnecessary reboot/remake/whatever you want to call it ever. Most of the other reboots coming out now-a-days are rebooting films that are at least 15 years old. And even then, films like Scre4m are resurrecting, not rebooting. Yet, people still call it a reboot. Logic?

I don't see the point in rebooting a series of a films for a new audience when the original is only ten years old, and the latest sequel is only five. The target audience--people from 10 to 20--remember the film. Hell, Spiderman 2 comes on FX every other day! Who hasn't seen it by now would be a better question than who has.

For people like me I welcome the reboot. I was hoping they would have re-booted when Spider-Man 2 came out actually.
I sincerely hope they don't reboot it again if they make another atrocious film like S3... just keep going with the series