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Anybody writing this weekend?

Anybody writing any movies during this 3 day weekend??

I took an extra day off (woot!) to finish the first daft for Nuns & Cannibals and looking for somebody to write with so they can kick my ass and keep me on the track!

So, if you're writing - tweet me @dlevanchuk and we'll do some page-count-competition every 30 mins just to keep pushing and keep writing!
Gonna be shooting two of the three days, so no writing for me.

I need to get back to some script revisions, though. :weird:

Edit: I'm @SteveActs there. You should come up with a catchy #tag, like #IndieDraft or #IndieScript, to organise them with. :cool:
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I'm doing a rewrite at the moment that will probably extend into the weekend. I won't be pumping out pages, but give me a holla' on Facebook (John Kilderry). I need to tweet more. ;)
I won't be doing any writing this weekend, but I will yell at you. Literally (via phone, anyway).

Wait, why are you waiting until the weekend?! START WRITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!