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Anybody want to work together on a script?

I struggle at the fine points of script writing. Okay fine, I struggle at all of the points of script writing. I was hoping that there was someone out there, or multiple people who would be interested in working on a script together. I have a pretty unique idea, which i'm going to write either way. However if you read it and think there might be something to it, then let's work together.

Here is the first five pages.

I would support anyone on this board, I was just asking if it's like Constantine so I can get an idea of the story because your 5 pages didn't say much. Don't get me wrong.
Similar to Constantine in the same way that there is battle between good and evil. However the execution of that battle is way different. In Constantine, Preacher and Drive Angry there are two sides using humans and earth as their battle ground. This would be more like a constant battle between Angels and Demons in other realms such as being set in Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Etc. Like having forces advancing on actual hard targets. How would that war play out? What would those battles look like? How are sides chosen?
I was thinking with that first, the script could show just some glimpses of that. While hinting at a much bigger war going on. This would follow Shade who is currently in Purgatory, in order to transcend he must be judged by Melkezatek. Demons are in Purgatory too and are trying to reap souls. We find out that Hell has won a big possible turning point by killing one of the five Seraphim (Angel). So they have ramped up their attacks. Melkezatek knows that staying in purgatory is dangerous but he is searching for the missing Khehreb (Flaming Sword of the Seraphim) and Shade is caught in the middle of it all.

To keep costs down, the demons would be used much like the shark in Jaws, that is very little.
If you are asking me if I am going to film this the answer is yes. I would like to collaborate, I would love to find other people that were interested in writing and making a movie. Once the script is finished I am going to start the process of finding a cast and crew and raising money to make it a reality. No matter what this film will be made. Even if I am the only one to write it and the only actor and I have to run the camera myself. That is how much I believe in this project.