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Any One Familiar With Particle Illusion?

I am researching science fiction special effects packages. Right now, the best one I can find is called, "Particle Illusion." TV Networks use it and it is available for Sony Vegas and many other platforms, including AVID. It has over 3,000 preset effects.

Is anyone familiar with it?
Don't forget, my day job is debugging and trouble shooting software and machines.

The tutorials are mostly common sense. If you are doing an effect for the first time, like I am with teleportation, get all the reference available to first learn the cliches before trying to reinvent the wheel. I am using PI as primitives to develop into a new look. It save me time.

I come from a background of technology and art schooling. It's all pretty much the same old same old.

The instructor in Video Copilot stresses to study footage of real stuff you want to make with Video Copilot to learn fantasy from reality. That's what I do too when I'm writing a new script.

Some of the stuff I utter here are the highlights of the points to do things right.

A person in the On Set section posted his version of an explosion. He can make it look better in post, if he layers effects onto what he already has.

Don't forget, people at IT are at all different levels of development.
Ive commented on this quite a bit already but.... I'm a vegas user also... and I use After Effects. Theres simply no way Vegas can compete with After Effects as far as compositing and effects work goes. Its like comparing apples to spaceships.
Maybe the shots you are doing are simple and just need a layer or two over the plate with little to no correction...... but anything beyond that AE starts widening the gap by leaps and bounds....

Do you have any shots that are finished you could share?
I didn't mean any offense man, the opposite really, I actually wanted you to succeed.

People at IT are all at different levels, that's why I (someone with some decent experience at VFX) was trying to help someone new at it.

The way you talk about it all though gives it away. For example you don't make stuff with "Video Copilot"... It's a company that has many different products ranging from plug-ins to stock footage and they, rather the main guy behind it, do VFX and title sequences for major motion pictures and television shows.

I've used Vegas. So have all the other people on here who have told you to use something better for effects. It's crippling in it's inability to do what's needed to create realistic versions of what you're attempting. Effects is a broad term. Yes, it does the basics, but not the advanced. The same tools aren't built into Vegas as are built into a compositor.

But I'm done, really do wish you luck and I've tried to help a lot in the areas I have experience but I'm tired of spitting in the wind.