archived-videos Another test

Looks good, but that sytle throughout the whole video might be boring.

Looking forward to the finished product.
The twins and I agree, but that's Dante's (the artist's) vision I guess. The video will be more diverse and we're going to incorporate some other scenes so it will be better of course.
i think it is cool idea, i picture some candles in the video, either shots by themselves, or in background, maybe profile shots not singing while the lyrics are playing, but thats just what popped in my head. :idea:

your friendly neighborhood texasvenom :evil:
Actually there will likely be candles in the video. There's a lyric about candles in the chorus. Profile shots are in the test and will also be in the video. thanks for your input. PLANO IN THA HOUSE! I used to live there and I love that town. The Angelika Film Centre rocks!
I think it's great you're shooting some music vids! :cool:

Half of this was testing out lighting effects, looks like?

The music's not exactly my cup of tea, but overall it looks pretty good... and if you're tweaking it before the real shooting starts, it ought to turn out fantastic.

Just make sure you don't do a Great White with all those flaming candles lying about... :seeya:
LoganL, for some reason, I can never access your videos that you post, and only a couple of the fliks on your site are viewable for some reason. When I click on your posted links, I just open a blank window.

I am really interested in seeing some more of your stuff, if you can help me out with the problem.
wattersk said:
LoganL, for some reason, I can never access your videos that you post, and only a couple of the fliks on your site are viewable for some reason. When I click on your posted links, I just open a blank window.

I am really interested in seeing some more of your stuff, if you can help me out with the problem.
You need WMP.
Do you have an apple? The only people who have had problems before (that I know of) are Apple users.

...Anyway, if you have the latest version of WMP, I don't know why the movies don't work. If you use Firefox, that may be the reason. It can screw up WMV files, but if you use Internet Explorer it should work A OK. I don't know what else to tell you. Sorry.
Logan, this is probably the best of your work I've seen so far. The lighting and blur effects all seem to work well. I also like your use of angles.

I agree that you will probably need some cutaway shots to something other than just the band performing, but it sounds like you are already planning for that...

Nice work.
The blurs are a lot, especially for my eyes, but I looks like it's goig to clear up and really drive from there. Loking forward to the next installment.
I really like the light moving up past the faces, I have never seen that used like this before. Very original at least to me. Good Job.