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watch Another Clip Specifically for Filmmakers

Dudes, this is the last clip I'll be releasing from Indie Jonesing. A few years ago I had two big film deals fall through at the 11th hour so I wrote this in a bitter, depressed fugue... It's the second of two self indulgent scenes in the movie and is a 10 percenter -only ten percent of the audience will find it funny. There's also 1 percent whose hearts will be broken by it... personally I am that 1%


PS twitter @IndieJoneser if you are of that ilk...
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Why is the bastard always 'English'??



I don't think he is. I think he's just pretending to be. And American dudes who do that are always major douchebags!

You should look at the bright-side of this: Americans sometimes pretend to be English, because you guys sound smart.

I don't think he is. I think he's just pretending to be. And American dudes who do that are always major douchebags!

You should look at the bright-side of this: Americans sometimes pretend to be English, because you guys sound smart.

And the accent helps getting laid big time.
The clip look good. I saw the humor in it when the director said no one will watch it considering we are watching it as the audience all ready.
Thanks guys. I'm so appreciative. I've written this reply a few times and erased it over and over. Its so great to have this thing I birthed for two years appreciated so I'll leave it at that. Peace IndieTalkers.
Wow, Ziggy.

Watched a bunch more of your work. Damn, dude. Best stuff I've seen on here since joining. Honest and genuinely good work. My utmost respect and best of wishes for your future in film.
Wow, Ziggy.

Watched a bunch more of your work. Damn, dude. Best stuff I've seen on here since joining. Honest and genuinely good work. My utmost respect and best of wishes for your future in film.

This is enough to pull me out of my artist "head up my own ass" self loathing for the next couple of days. Thank you so much.