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watch Another Clip Specifically for Filmmakers

You got some really good stuff ziggy. Inspirational my friend.

Got a quick question. Was this shot on location or greenscreened? thanks.
This is enough to pull me out of my artist "head up my own ass" self loathing for the next couple of days. Thank you so much.

I get down on myself quite frequently. I wonder, what's the point of trying so hard if I'm more than likely not gonna get anywhere with this "silly film thing." I'm gonna remind you and myself that it's not all for naught. You have already positively affected myself -- and as it seems plenty of members here on the forum. Maybe you don't make it or I don't make it, but I know for a fact I've inspired people because they've told me I have. Any positive nudge in the right direction I can push someone in this industry is a good thing. Maybe I won't ever make it, but someone who saw something worthwhile in the things I've made just MIGHT have and goes on to much bigger things than I will.
I get down on myself quite frequently. I wonder, what's the point of trying so hard if I'm more than likely not gonna get anywhere with this "silly film thing." I'm gonna remind you and myself that it's not all for naught. You have already positively affected myself -- and as it seems plenty of members here on the forum. Maybe you don't make it or I don't make it, but I know for a fact I've inspired people because they've told me I have. Any positive nudge in the right direction I can push someone in this industry is a good thing. Maybe I won't ever make it, but someone who saw something worthwhile in the things I've made just MIGHT have and goes on to much bigger things than I will.

Wise words. Filmmaker is up there with "Concert Glockenspielist" in the "difficult life choices" category... but there's still that something that won't let us quit and pursue something slightly easier...