I went to a film school in NYC and a year after I graduated, I realized I wasted my money and 4 years and learned nothing. Now I want to sue and get my money back. Someone please give me suggestions what to do? I really want to learn more and don't want to go to grad school.
Hire a lawyer who will take 10 years to get you a trial date and, on the incredibly long adds that you actually win a case where you chose to spend money by free choice, the lawyer will get 40% of whatever you are awarded. And if you lose you still have to pay all of the lawyers expenses.
I went to a film school in NYC and a year after I graduated, I realized I wasted my money and 4 years and learned nothing.

I don't get it, how is that even possible? 5 years after you started the course you realised you hadn't learnt anything. The first week or so is usually induction and then you start being presented knowledge/information in earnest. Why after the first month or so did you not realise that you weren't learning anything? Why didn't you discuss it with your tutor and find some way to learn something or, if you couldn't find a solution, why didn't you just leave then? :huh:

I went to film school as well for a year (except I went to learn how to make video games but had to take their foundation course first which was pretty much film based).

I think film school is a waste of time. Once you know the basics of film making the rest relies on u to make something decent. It wasn't really possible 5 years ago for just anyone to make a film but now it is, so just use what you learned.
Hey man! As a fellow NYC Film School student I could tell you that I've had my fair of frustraition over the years on wether or not my money was being spent well. At the end of the day the experience I learned working on sets or on my own projects taught me more about the industry then any of my classes. On the flip side, film school did introduce me to a lot of my friends in the industry who I work with frequently, as well as teachers.

As for now, my advice would be to reach out to any friends (contacts) you made while at school and see if you could join forces on something that will better all your careers!
I went to a film school in NYC and a year after I graduated, I realized I wasted my money and 4 years and learned nothing. Now I want to sue and get my money back. Someone please give me suggestions what to do? I really want to learn more and don't want to go to grad school.

How come you realized this 1 year after graduation?

What did you do those 4 years?
And what did you not learn?

What have you made in the past year?