editing Anamorphic cropping/downscale question.

Hey, what if I had 4k footage? What's the anamorphic cropping size? For HD, I was told its 1920x816 to achieve that. What of 4k?

Also, I still use FCP7 'cause it's awesome. What's the best and efficient way/software to downscale 4k to 2k or HD for FCP7? Mainly 2k.


Btw, check out my old SD short film She's Not There:

your talking crazy....

you want to resize your 4k footage in a HD frame when you edit. That will give you glorious HD quality footage to die for.

Are you shooting anamorphic (squeezed image ) or do you just want to crop for wide screen?

You dont crop anamorphic, you UN-SQUEEZE it in one dimension resulting in a WIDER frame then you shot.


from http://www.red.com/learn/red-101/anamorphic-lenses
4096x1714 is the specs on 4k 2.39:1.

If you were shooting anamorphic, it would be a de-squeeze. You just need to mask/crop your 1.78:1 footage to get a 2.39:1 aspect ratio.

I haven't used FCP in a long time but I'm not sure you can edit in native 4k. You would probably need to make HD proxies to edit, and then do the online and crop @ 4k.
resolve makes cropping and scaling pretty painless.

I never used Resolve (want to use Lite -- especially for FilmConvert). Is there a tutorial on this?

wheatgrinder said:
your talking crazy....

you want to resize your 4k footage in a HD frame when you edit. That will give you glorious HD quality footage to die for.

Are you shooting anamorphic (squeezed image ) or do you just want to crop for wide screen?

You dont crop anamorphic, you UN-SQUEEZE it in one dimension resulting in a WIDER frame then you shot.

I am a bit crazy, for a filmmaker. Yes, I want to re-size 4k to HD (and 2k) for my GH4. How does a person do that in FCP7? Or any other software -- I heard RED has a freeware that does this, don't know what it's called though?

I am not shooting anamorphic. I want to crop it, like I usually did with HD footage. But if I wanted to edit 4k natively (which I don't atm -- my Mac is not powerful enough, unless I get schooled in proxies), I just wanted to know what's the crop ratio for 4k out of curiosity. Mainly, I just wanna know how to de-size 4k to HD/2k for my GH4.

Hoping I'm not complicating the questions. I tend to do that lol :yes: