The story wasn't just wasn't that original. There are so many few plot devices. I could name a hundred movies identical to one another...just like a I could name a hundred camp fire stories similar to one another. It's what we see as humans. It's what we notice. That's life.
There has also been a dozen remakes of A Christmas what. It's a different take. I don't enjoy it any less knowing it's 'been done before.'
So there's not the most amazing dialog in the world in Avatar. So what. I'm very critical, yes, and I personally didn't find the dialog, nor the telling of this plot device irritating. That's not what this movie is about.
I don't care what Ebert says. Nor should you. You should judge it on your own...just like I have. We can disagree with one another, and that's the freedom of a message board. But don't tell me it's a gimmick, because it's not. JC isn't shooting this thing with 'gimmick' in was shot from the ground up with a new perspective on the medium...not a gimmick. I'm sure he and the others involved were like kids in a candy store...excited about their project...not about the paycheck they'd receive. It was artfully and skillfully crafted. If the execs want to make more money off of this new technology, let them...I don't blame them. It's a business just like *all* big budget movies. I'm also, as it happens, a CG artist, so I admire the art in modeling, texturing, composite work...and they nailed it spades.
Use my imagination to make it 3d? OK...whatever that means.
The primary reason for 3d is money? Hmmmm...isn't this Hollywood we are talking about? It's one big business my man. EVERY movie is about making least every movie that hits the theaters.
I'm a sheep? How's that? I think for myself. I made my own decision, and wasn't swayed by a single review or argument. I'm not a sheep.
You don't like my patronizing tone? Well I'm sorry. But look who's calling the kettle black. You're even worse than me. But that's OK right? Because you're just defending someone? He doesn't need a hero. I wasn't that harsh. And I said several times that I didn't want him to take it personally...I made the point several times that I was including a mass of people...not just him. Did you skim that part?
My quote about YOUR last feature is a common saying in my area. It was sort of an inside joke. It means people are so quick to criticize, when they themselves haven't the skill to shoot *one* of those scenes. Yet they bash. I know the audience is allowed to have their own opinion, but don't expect people to go quietly into the night when you bash something that doesn't deserve it. I've been involved in many films, both as an actor, and as a crew member...and when less experienced people find a reason to flame a movie it annoys me. Especially when they are--in my eyes--dead wrong. JC shot a kickass action flick, and it looked beautiful and at the same time revolutionized many different tools of the trade. Be constructive...but don't spout out phrases that are being echoed by others. I just don't agree with you on so many levels...and you don't agree with me. Fine. I'm sorry. Let's leave it at that.
I didn't criticize YOU. And me disagreeing with you doesn't make me an armchair critic. That's not what an armchair critic relates to movie critics at home in their parents basement who don't have a single feature under their belt, and they bash movies they were let down by...or didn't gel with...or were jealous of. If this isn't you, then fine, I'm not saying it is. But trust me, they are out there. It's OK to bash...this is a free world (for the most part)...but expect a rebuttal by passionate folks in the business your bashing.
Listen, we can get passionate. But I wasn't a total ass. I was just being forthcoming about my opinion. And I made the point not to point fingers directly. And if I did, I apologize.
The Family Guy statement makes perfect sense. Sorry you didn't get that.
Cheers. Water under the bridge.
I don't want to get in a flame fest.
Sorry to veer a little off subject for a minute Uranium. However, the majority of our squabble *is* on point. I don't want to get too personal, and I apologize if I have. I apologize to all of you.
Now let's all go make a Smurf version of Dances with Wolves and be done with it!
There has also been a dozen remakes of A Christmas what. It's a different take. I don't enjoy it any less knowing it's 'been done before.'
So there's not the most amazing dialog in the world in Avatar. So what. I'm very critical, yes, and I personally didn't find the dialog, nor the telling of this plot device irritating. That's not what this movie is about.
I don't care what Ebert says. Nor should you. You should judge it on your own...just like I have. We can disagree with one another, and that's the freedom of a message board. But don't tell me it's a gimmick, because it's not. JC isn't shooting this thing with 'gimmick' in was shot from the ground up with a new perspective on the medium...not a gimmick. I'm sure he and the others involved were like kids in a candy store...excited about their project...not about the paycheck they'd receive. It was artfully and skillfully crafted. If the execs want to make more money off of this new technology, let them...I don't blame them. It's a business just like *all* big budget movies. I'm also, as it happens, a CG artist, so I admire the art in modeling, texturing, composite work...and they nailed it spades.
Use my imagination to make it 3d? OK...whatever that means.
The primary reason for 3d is money? Hmmmm...isn't this Hollywood we are talking about? It's one big business my man. EVERY movie is about making least every movie that hits the theaters.
I'm a sheep? How's that? I think for myself. I made my own decision, and wasn't swayed by a single review or argument. I'm not a sheep.
You don't like my patronizing tone? Well I'm sorry. But look who's calling the kettle black. You're even worse than me. But that's OK right? Because you're just defending someone? He doesn't need a hero. I wasn't that harsh. And I said several times that I didn't want him to take it personally...I made the point several times that I was including a mass of people...not just him. Did you skim that part?
My quote about YOUR last feature is a common saying in my area. It was sort of an inside joke. It means people are so quick to criticize, when they themselves haven't the skill to shoot *one* of those scenes. Yet they bash. I know the audience is allowed to have their own opinion, but don't expect people to go quietly into the night when you bash something that doesn't deserve it. I've been involved in many films, both as an actor, and as a crew member...and when less experienced people find a reason to flame a movie it annoys me. Especially when they are--in my eyes--dead wrong. JC shot a kickass action flick, and it looked beautiful and at the same time revolutionized many different tools of the trade. Be constructive...but don't spout out phrases that are being echoed by others. I just don't agree with you on so many levels...and you don't agree with me. Fine. I'm sorry. Let's leave it at that.
I didn't criticize YOU. And me disagreeing with you doesn't make me an armchair critic. That's not what an armchair critic relates to movie critics at home in their parents basement who don't have a single feature under their belt, and they bash movies they were let down by...or didn't gel with...or were jealous of. If this isn't you, then fine, I'm not saying it is. But trust me, they are out there. It's OK to bash...this is a free world (for the most part)...but expect a rebuttal by passionate folks in the business your bashing.
Listen, we can get passionate. But I wasn't a total ass. I was just being forthcoming about my opinion. And I made the point not to point fingers directly. And if I did, I apologize.
The Family Guy statement makes perfect sense. Sorry you didn't get that.
Cheers. Water under the bridge.
I don't want to get in a flame fest.
Sorry to veer a little off subject for a minute Uranium. However, the majority of our squabble *is* on point. I don't want to get too personal, and I apologize if I have. I apologize to all of you.
Now let's all go make a Smurf version of Dances with Wolves and be done with it!
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