archived-videos "Aluminum" - Telekinesis short

Hey guys! Been a while, so I thought I'd share a short film.

This one's a mockumentary about a guy with telekinetic abilities... but he's limited to aluminum. ;)
It's a little on the weird side, as is most of my stuff, but I hope you enjoy it!

I spent a few weeks experimenting on the computer with shaders, HDRI environment lighting, etc., trying to get the most realistic appearance - banking on having to do a lot of CG:


BUT... when it came time to film, I did the floating shots in-camera, with the exception of only one shot.

Ultimately I'm glad I went the practical route, as it would have been difficult for the actor to react to something not there.

Thanks for watching!
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Loved it. You've got a great eye and style, and I love the way that you speak to such a specific part of America. You're also a very good actor yourself.

This reminded me of a This American Life episode about a guy who couldn't feel electric shocks and tried to monetise that 'power' but it was just a bit rubbish. And his whole life became embittered by the fact he'd been given a 'power' but it was quite a crummy one.

Would love to see what you do next and would also love to see what you could do with some more money in the production, as you've made very high quality films with what I assume is a pretty low budget.