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All Nolan Scripts


Although this might be an unpopular insight.

I'm not overly impressed with his writing. His storytelling is brilliant. There's constant points of interest. But the pace slips throughout. Too many plentiful exchanges of dialogue, and too often appearances from the infamous "ing".

Albeit "format" can be as subjective in the profession as the method for pie pastry in the baking business. So hey, cracking read regardless.

Great find, Charles.
I agree with your criticisms, Daniel. On the other hand, since he writes scripts that he intends to film himself, he's free to employ whatever industry-designated faux pas suits his fancy.

It's good to keep in mind that even someone with Nolan's heavy-hitter rep, he still has to bend to the money-boys' whims: he only got a green light for INCEPTION on the condition he agreed to make a third BATMAN.

We are all slaves to The Man one way or the other. :)


Although this might be an unpopular insight.

I'm not overly impressed with his writing. His storytelling is brilliant. There's constant points of interest. But the pace slips throughout. Too many plentiful exchanges of dialogue, and too often appearances from the infamous "ing".

Albeit "format" can be as subjective in the profession as the method for pie pastry in the baking business. So hey, cracking read regardless.

Great find, Charles.
Excellent, thanks!

It's funny, I remember reading that Inception was a "risk" according the the studio. They didn't give him the money he thought he needed to do it right so he and DiCaprio worked out a deal with the studio for a paycut up front (that money going to other expenses) and more points on the end.

After a month or so in theaters DiCaprio had made close to 50 million off of it instead of the 20ish he would of had up front.