Alan Parker's ANGEL HEART

I just thought I would post that Alan Parker's ANGEL HEART will be on AMC today at 5:30pm.

I post this for those who saw SHUTTER ISLAND. I personally felt that Angel Heart, which has the same premise, was done much better. My friends and I talk about what makes a good horror film or thriller all the time and Angel Heart is a film that just creeped me out. Which is what a good horror film should do.

So, Tivo it if you can't watch it. I would love to know what other people thought of this film. It stars Mickey Roarke (when he was still good lookin') Robert DeNiro and Lisa Bonet.

I'd love to know what you think.

-- spinner :cool:
Ill use spoiler tags incase you've not seen that movie..
I caught that flick a few weeks ago.. man, what a great mystery...
Louis Cipher.. great name

I saw another movie (on cable) recently that featured ghosts and old recording\records. It had that same Ante Belem atmosphere, I think it was "the Skeleton Key" and the old records were just amazing sounding..
I agree. One of the better horror flicks of all time, in my opinion. Outstanding authentic New Orleans ambiance, it touched on voodoo without exploiting it and did so authentically.

O'Rourke's last performance (when he was on his original roll) before he self-destructed.

I doubt they're gonna show the orgy in hell scene on AMC. :P

A strong recommend for anyone who hasn't seen it.

I've loved this movie since the first time I saw it over 20 years ago. This is during Robert DeNiro's best acting phases, where he disappeared in to his parts without a hint of his own persona, something he hasn't done in a while. This was from the director of THE WALL and THE COMMITMENTS, Alan Parker, at his creepy best.

The symbolism and overall story are incredible and very believable.