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coverage Affordable Script Coverage

Hey! Welcome to the site!

I had a look and I have one concern. Why would people submit their screenplays to you for notes and advice? I'm not saying they shouldn't, I'm just saying that I couldn't really find anything that said why you were qualified to offer advice to other screenwriters, much less expect them to pay you for it. You might want to put this information on the homepage so that people consider using your service from the very off.

Welcome to indietalk!

I have a few observations: On the “About us” page you simply have
the exact same paragraph as you have on your home page. You offer
no information about you.

Same with the “Services” page. Nothing new there - only what is on
your home page.

Your “Testimonials” page give a little of your background. I was
thinking that there would be some recommendations from past
clients and something that shows evidence of your experience.
Frankly, everyone with just a bit of knowledge and understanding
of the business knows that having screenplays “under
consideration” is meaningless. And telling a potential used of
your service that you are currently shopping your latest
screenplay around is superfluous.

And why do you have a clip from a TV show on you “Contact us”
page? What does that have to do with your services.

All this and using a free web service shows, to me, a lack of
professionalism. It would be nice to know who you are and what
your qualifications are on the “About us” page.

So why you? And who are you? Your name isn’t even on your web site.
Well, his name is Richard Rivera. Last seen doing research on military weapons and denial of coverage for veterans. Currently living in Union City, New Jersey. Most likely in his late 40s or early 50s.