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Adobe After Effects - Recognising RAM


Just a quick question regarding After Effects when it is starting up

There is a small square screen that appears during the start up of the program before the editing suite is on display. While my copy is starting up it states is is utilising "2% of 4gig" for example. I've taken this to mean how much RAM the program is taking up at that particular point in time.

The only problem is, my PC is installed with 6gig of RAM.

Does anybody know if this is just a glitch in the display, or is the program not recognising the RAM I have installed?

Any answers you're able to offer would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I'll post a picture if needed
go to memory and cache settings.. what do you see there?

I also think there is some limitation on RAM in AE CS3. That said, if you have multicores, you might not see the memory being available in AE GUI, but the other core will use the unlisted RAM.. if that makes sense..
go to memory and cache settings.. what do you see there?

I also think there is some limitation on RAM in AE CS3. That said, if you have multicores, you might not see the memory being available in AE GUI, but the other core will use the unlisted RAM.. if that makes sense..

Thank you for the advise; I will check when I get home (at work atm)

Also, I'm running CS4 if that helps

I am using an i7, so your last note may be applicable