Actor Headcount

'sup, fellow actors! :cool:

The ActingTalk forum is still kinda new (great addition, btw), and while we've had a few threads so far I bet there are many more actors out there waiting for a chance to say hello.

Here's your chance! :yes:

Do you act?

Do you plan on acting?

Do you want to just pop in and introduce yourself?

Let's get together and make ourselves heard.

If you're an actor (or ack-tore, as I might poshly and pretentiously annunciate it), post a reply and tell us a bit about yourself.

Or heck, if you're plain super-shy a simple "Yo" will suffice. ;)


If you want to plug your Headshot & Resume, follow these links >> here << and >> here <<

This thread is just to get all you actors rolling. :)
well Zensteve, you have another "slacker" with you. I just graduated from college and have finally come to the conclusion that I can't live my life not acting (after years of internal debate). I'm somewhat stalled and trying to put some legs to my ambitions. Nice to be among other lovers of the craft.
Zensteve said:
'sup, good bee13d :cool:

Keeping involved with acting classes and meeting more like-minded peeps?
No acting classes of yet, but I majored in Theater, as did most of my friends, and quite a few of us have stayed in the same area. We're all encouraging each other, getting out and learning about/ getting involved with some of the theater companies (very busy scene in Atlanta right now). We've even bandied about the idea of producing something of our own. Slowly, but surely, I'm starting to find my way.
Hello everyone!

Ah, just a very brief introduction....

Hi Hi Hi. I consider myself a "Part-Time" Actor... Since, I do have a day job (a la Corporate Slave) to support my rent, credit card bills, meals... clothes...headshots...tooth paste... soap...etc.
I haven't done any theatre works after I graduated from college. The day job isn't flexable enough for me to attend all the rehersals and performances.... :grumpy:
I've done several TV/Film stuff... Worked on a lot of Indie and Student films....Commercials... Print Modeling.... paid and unpaid....etc. :blush:

Uh.... Sorry, had a brain-dead moment there. (I'm at work)

Donald Foley said:
Hi All,

Thanks for this thread it is a great idea. I have been acting in the indie movie scene for about 2 and half years now, and really enjoying the journey. I have been in 30+ films, and every one has taught me something new. I think I would go insane if I had to return to a life without acting, I just can't imagine how I lived so long without it. The three actors who inspire me the most are Michael Caine, Johnny Depp, and Patrick Stewart.

I also love music I play Fiddle, Mandolin, Guitar, Drums, Fife and bamboo flute.

Kind Regards,
Donald C. Foley


I set up a new blog using wordpress. I would love to hear your thoughts if you get a spare moment to check it out. Thanks.
