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Aaaaargh!!! Devastated....

Been working on a script for a long time now. I put in a lot of hours, heart, and soul to try and make this the best and funniest movie I could possibly make, only to see a commercial today for a movie that has the exact same premise as mine.

Even the title is similar, except mine is better.

I know this probably happens to all writers all the time, but that really doesn't make me feel any better right now.

My own fault, I guess. I thought of the concept years ago and it's taken me this long to get it nearly done.

Well, into the trash it goes. I'll get back on the horse tomorrow and start fresh with a new script, but for the rest of today, I'm throwing a pity party and only inviting one friend, Jack Daniels.
Wait, dont do that yet.

Think about Armageddon and Deep Impact.
Dante's Peak and Inferno.
Tombstone and Wyatt Earp.

Those are specific concepts. And if your concept is a general one, then you dont have a problem at all.
Yep. Been there, done that. The collective unconscious is a bitch. But don't trash it! You can't copyright an idea or a concept, only the execution of it. That film may have a similar concept, but it doesn't mean that it has the same execution as yours.