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watch A trailer - (work in progress)

Cool! I hope this helps... I'd like to see some more interesting shots, a man at a typewriter is not interesting to me even if the film is called Dead Letters, more gore or action needed, and since there's five films, a little more of each.

Looking forward to this, though!
I thought it looked pretty good.

I am still looking at the dvd you sent me, I had to finish up a project, but as soon as I am done viewing it, I'll let you know!

-- spinner :cool:
It's been kinda tricky, putting it together. :(

We were asked to have no gore/nudity, and to focus on the actual story... and since we were very sloppy, almost nothing has the audio separated from the M&E, yet.

Finding it quite difficult to represent the five stories (and the extra wrap-around) in less than 60 seconds.

Will update with new trailer tomorrow.