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A Smoker

Hello everyone =)

I was about to write a new short script for my first movie. One of my characters is a heavy smoker was just wondering how I would write a person who is chain smoking during a conversation. Though this is probably a dumb question and all I just wanted it to be perfect :P

Thank you for reading and any suggestions would be appreciated.
What's crazy are those folks to come up to me on my break, holding a bag of mcdonalds, and tell me that smoking is bad for you and that I'm killing myself. Not only is it information I already have, I don't need to be lectured by a severely overweight person to whom health is not a top personal priority.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't see the irony in a smoker drinking a vitamin water, but there is a logic (not to vitamin water, that stuff is stupid, get your vitamins and minerals from your diet, stop messing with your body's delicate balance).

For example, I am a smoker but I don't eat meat/dairy/processed foods and I exercise most days.

Just because someone smokes, doesn't mean they are going for the 'unhealthiest person in the world' award.

I find it a lot more ironic when I see someone order a burger with a diet coke.

Sorry for the rant, but this is a pet peeve of mine.

As an overweight person one thing I dont do is advice is about Health matters, as I know it will not be long ,someone will say A coal cannot call the kettle black .Lol
The first time you show the character with a cigarette have them lighting it off of another cigarette they're finishing. Nothing says chain smoking like lighting one off of your last one.

Bear in mind chain smokers smoke constantly, not quickly. Don't try to have them constantly dragging or blowing smoke. Then use the drags and exhales for dramatic pauses. Watch how George Burns used his cigar.

Ok that is how I did it actually. I opened it with the main character, Ryan, putting out the cigarette in an ashtray, then lighting another one.

You do bring up a good point about smoking fast, I will probably have to go back and look if I did that.
you missed it.. have her light the new cig off the end of the one thats almost done, then put out the old one in the ash tray... while the new one is smoking in her lips..

Putting one out, then lighting another, is more a NERVOUS thing to do. The chain smoker habits are just like Jeremy said.. a new one lit from the old one..