A new online feature film project - I need your help!

Hi peeps.

About a month ago I started a new online project called "£4 to Feature Film". It began on Facebook, but has invaded various other sites and forums... The idea is to see whether it's possible to make a feature film on a starting budget of just £4, and I've given myself until next November to do it...

I need as much help as people are willing to give. Whether it be in the form of encouragement, exposure, donations, technical know-how... Whatever :)

It's gonna be a lot of fun, and hopefully will lead to something quite extraordinary by the time we're done!

Visit the link below to read more, and for further links to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube:

Pretty much yes - although I've got some of my own, it is relatively amateurish. Also I've received a few donations, which I'll use to help "oil the wheels" a little. But the purpose of this project is really to create something with nothing, so yeah, borrowing will be the only way.
This is interesting but I don't quite understand what you
are doing that is different than what every filmmaker has
ever done.

I have made a feature film on a starting budget of less than
£4. Starting from zero I got encouragement, exposure,
donations and technical know how from family and friends.
And made the movie.

Isn't this what every one of us who post here do? Start with
nothing and create something. Isn't this what all filmmakers