archived-videos A little abstract i did

Not every day one gets to see a uvula up close. 8)

Is good practise for sure, fiddling with effects on whatever you have handy. :)
hehe thanks guys. Im thinking of investing in after effects since it has more effects. can it use Photoshop plugins? Someone told me that adobe products are design to work with each other.

I got alot of old KPT and eye candy plugins for an older version i bought years back. i think v5.5
Sorry it took me so long to view it.

King, I thought it was awesome. I especially enjoyed the close ups (although I thought a uvula might be something dirty, and was a bit disappointed when I didn't see close up dirtiness).

LOL.. eye vagina!

sick.. Anyways, I laughed when Zen first said that because I guess its a Males natures to see stuff like that. It was the first thing I saw too when I was making it :D
King Goldfish said:
LOL.. eye vagina!

sick.. Anyways, I laughed when Zen first said that because I guess its a Males natures to see stuff like that. It was the first thing I saw too when I was making it :D

You guys must think im the biggest retard.

I looked at my response and at zens comment and for some dyslexic reason I thought he said ovaries.

No, I know what it is.. its the skin that hangs down near the tonsils. it moves when you sing.

but it does look dirty :D

and i do suffer from dyslexia I think. I often see words then realize it says something else.

never been tested for it but I know i have a slight case of it. its been happening more and more lately cause I guess im getting older.