A fairly odd request for help! Need to find these items

I Lookin to make pretty much an exact duplicate of what you see here. I have no idea where to get such film canisters, but its about 7in in diameter, and definitely from Kodak. The label on the back has the number "KP125272" but googling that showed no results. Also hoping someone might know where I can get these such Technicolor stickers, though thats probably a long shot.


Lastly, is there anyway to "copy" film from one set of prints to another? i imagine it would be time consuming and expensive, but i may only need to copy a few frames.

Sorry for whats probably completely odd questions haha, but i would love any help i can get.
I sometimes see empty film cans for sale on eBay. You could even
try calling Kodak. They may sell you what you need. For the sticker
you could use Photoshop and the picture you have here.