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watch A British Kung Fu Short

woah, some awesome fighting there.

This was awesome, shame about how the light changes like from daytime to getting quite dark.
I really like the handheld/ steadicam shots and music.

What camera do you use?

Really enjoyed it, really looked like there was some good contact :) loved the sound effects too.

Would love to see any other stuff you do, nice to see some quality fighting done like that, few guys out kicking the crap out of each other!
Hah, that's awesome guys. Nice use of editing to add even extra punch to some brutal choreography. Punch, cut to the guy flipping in the air, sick. I also really liked how it the sun sets, it starts to look really cool with the sunset in the background. Nice use of scale, you weren't afraid of to put mega longshots in there. I like that the scene traveled, that the characters were moving as they were fighting.

Things that could make it better: There were some dead moments with the flow of the scene. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little editing. For instance, there is a shot of the two guys standing in pose for a second before going on with the action that should be cut a little later... looks like the moment before you yelled action if you know what i mean. Actually, that whole running down the hill part was a little awkward. Last time you see the protagonist, he is lying face down at the bottom of the hill. The enemy gets up and runs down the hill and the next shot you see is two guys running down the hill, except one of them is the protagonist. Nothing too big, this is shit you could always fix up into editing if you wanted to.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is this: you can clearly execute punches with impact. With your next project, improve the flow of the fight. Give me a story within the fight. There should highs and lows. Make the enemies seem unrelenting/ cut the scene so that the enemies aren't giving the protagonist time to recover. Put your protagonist in a tight spot before he comes back for the climactic finish. Make him really fight for it. Make this thing cinematic. I think this is the direction to go to improve on already solid ability and you are halfway there.. I liked this fight a lot better than your previous work you posted on here good job.

I'm thinking about it... and screw story. Something like this that makes no excuses about its lack of story is better than something that has a shoddy story. You cut to the chase. The fighting is entertaining. I'm thinking, if you had a really well paced and well choreographed fight scene to show for yourself, you could land a job choreographing fight scenes for real. Story, in this case, would only get in the way in showcasing what you really passionate about.

And the ending made me laugh.
Your Wing Chun style verra good, but no match for my Paper Tiger!

That was really well done.

Wish I knew more about fight choreography.

0:42 to 0:46 seems to be the only odd shot; the long shot. Everything else is close, in-your-face, rapid - then suddenly a long shot setting up the next fight, which does nothing except show there's a whole of nothing going on. Just an editing choice, I 'spose, but I'd have kept it close unless you were wanting to show the other hundred ninjas closing in from the hills.

(But if there were ninjas, we wouldn't see them anyway... I guess)

Oh, and the sinking sun didn't help the lighting.

But yah, that was a kick-ass (literally!) display. Kudos! :)
Thanks for the awesome comments. The general consensus seems to be positive, glad you really felt the intensity and thought that the stunt work in general was believable... For me this is all a fairly new thing, I have done plenty of other films in the past, but never in this particular genre, so I feel like I learn something new every time :)

Please keep an eye out for future work, this is only really the beginning for us...