archived-videos 8 BITS: Assassin's Creed: Leap of Death

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Body landing on spike doesn't match the shadow - just a technical thing.

Do you think Assassin's Creed & similar games are going to be too niche?

You need to figure out your final template fast - I think a 60 or 90-second group of four clips would be a great format.
Body landing on spike doesn't match the shadow - just a technical thing.

Do you think Assassin's Creed & similar games are going to be too niche?

You need to figure out your final template fast - I think a 60 or 90-second group of four clips would be a great format.

I think they may be a bit niche, but I try to make things funny even to those who've never even heard of the game (I think the two Zelda sketches are the only ones you need to know to laugh at... that and Mario)

And I'll keep experimenting with it.
Nice sketch, as usual!

Random question from someone who has clearly never animated anything besides a powerpoint slide: What's the creative process like for making these? What kind of software do you use and how does it all end up a final product?
I use Blender, which is a free program. (i learned about it on this site, I don't remember from who or what thread)

I record the dialogue first (often improvised, or at least has some element of improv to it) then I have to do a lot of math to figure out precise keyframes (i'm terrible at math) and I animate. The characters are all clones of each other, I just paint the shirts and paints, occasionally skin-tones and add hair or other features. The scenery is sometimes made by me, but mostly downloaded from sites like turbosquid or blendswap.

Rendering takes a long time, so I make sure it happens when I'm at my day job. Then when it's done with animation, lip-syncing and sound comes next, which are actually the hardest parts, most of the time.
Dunno if you're following E3 at all, but the Assassin's Creed peeps were talking about no more haystacks in the upcoming French Revolution sequel & beyond.

Yowza, free bump for your haystack sketch. :cool: