550d/t2i possible 4K hack

I edited RED footage in Adobe CS4 over a year ago and it didn't explode. There are settings to allow your computer to handle the footage at various bit rates and quality until final export.

You can also edit using proxies, which means you can shoot 4K, but export the clips to 1080 or 720 for editing, then use an EDL (Edit Decision List) to export the 4K final version.

Editing offline is the way to go for sure - still have to edit the real stuff at some point though. Monitor quality aside, I can't do any 1-light or CC work in Redcine-X on my machine at home with the 4.5K ws footage I have at the moment. It just won't show me any better than 1/2 res; apparently it doesn't like my video card.

I can do 4K fine though - sadly that's all boring test footage, lol.

In response, I'm getting a pair of pimp cards from my buddy since he is dumping his desktop in favor of a laptop.

…and it was bollocks. Not that surprised or disappointed really, but a shame nonetheless.

Figures. :rolleyes:
6 seconds, sure thats fine for a FINISHED and trimmed shot.. but geeze, I cant imagine pushing the record button, calling for speed, slating, shooting and calling cut in 6 seconds! That would leave me with 2.5 seconds of footage. And FORGET resets!
Adobe CS4 (...) There are settings to allow your computer to handle the footage at various bit rates and quality until final export.

Where do I look to do this in CS4? You're talking about something different than regular offline editing, right?

Mahdy said:
for just 6 seconds??!! :-S .. what m i gonna do with that???

That's what she said...

/le sigh
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