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35mm Moviecam Compact Package in Los Angeles

I own a 35mm Moviecam Compact Camera Package in the Los Angeles Area.

Usually, I work with it as the cinematographer, but sometimes lease it to other productions. I can offer a much better rate than most rental houses, and you will get a much better camera system.

The Compact is a quiet, lightweight camera used for shooting dialogue. It can run at any frame rate from 2 to 50 FPS. I have lenses, filters, tripods, fluid head, 9 magazines, color video assist, etc. You can see my equipment listed on my website along with photos and information.


Graham Futerfas
I checked your site and you don't mention rates. I'm considering shooting my next show on film. What do you rent the package out for?
Cinematographer with 35mm Camera Package

Hi, I'd be happy to provide a quote.

Please feel free to contact me for more information. I currently book my camera through Hollywood Camera in Burbank, since they can provide better support, additional equipment, and service. Please contact John Poupis there at (818) 972-5000. He will provide you with an excellent rate and friendly assistance. To give you a quote, we'll need to know how long you want to rent the equipment for, and exactly what your equipment needs are.

If you need a Cinematographer for your film, I'm available for interviews and my demo reel is online. www.GFuterfas.com

Thank you,
Graham Futerfas
(323) 394-1132
I've rented from them - good people.

This is something new to me. You own the camera and then Hollywood
Camera handles the rental and support, right? How does that work?
I assume you get a percentage of the rental, but how does the
client decide which camera they will get? When I call do I have
to ask for your camera? What about a client just in off the
street? How will you get get your camera rented out? How many
camera do they have in inventory that are owned by outside
It's a private arrangement, but it works to all our advantage. If you're doing a small one or two day thing, I can handle the rental if I'm available. However, if it's a larger project, I rely on the rental house to take care of the prep, return, servicing, contracts, etc. I've found that I'm a better DP than a rental agent. :) If I'm the DP and renting the company my camera, I'll usually coordinate the rental myself. I can also set the prices on the rental myself, and Hollywood Camera will generally go along with it, just as I generally go along with the prices they bid.

I think everyone wins with this arrangement.... Hollywood Camera, me, and most importantly, the customer, who gets better support and service than if I did this myself.

If you want my camera, which is a Moviecam Compact, that's the camera you'll request. Or you can set up the general details with me, and I'll pass the info along to Hollywood Camera and set you up there. I just need to know exactly what equipment you want for your production, and how many days\when you'll need it.

Best wishes,
Graham Futerfas
