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watch 30 second Netflix submission for Poptent

I thought about doing some of the poptent challenges including this one...but idk why i just thought their is no chance of me winning.....although it would be good experience....hmmm?

Any way i like yours alot but i thought it was to be for latin american netflix
Thanks to both you guys for watching and commenting :)

Sometimes when I post videos here, I feel like I'm sending them to a slow and cold death into a part of hell where even the devil will forget about them....

just kidding :D
I wish I could come up with simple and effective concepts like this. But, most importantly, I wish I could just EXECUTE and stop thinking so much.

Good stuff, Indie.

For a rush job it looks a lot better than most content I catch on Poptent.

You should take more time and jump in earlier on one or a few of those, you'll probably take one some winnings.

I'm going to start back here this week. Only managed to get purchased once there, need to go at it again.

Good stuff, again.
I'll tell you what happened. I saw WheatGrinder's post where he was shamelessly bragging about his amazing new rig that he purchased with his poptent drug money :). And I was like .... what?????? people can make money making films??????

So I checked out poptent and had to rush the first deadline.

But now I'm thinking, yes, I want to try out for as many as I can.
Good luck to everyone.
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Great to see new work, Aveek! For something that was whipped together, it looked pretty good. I'm guessing the soft look was the "romantic" filter?

Good luck! Hope you impress Netflix :)