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  1. milesmakesmusic

    service Need a Film Composer? Let's trade :)

    Hi there! My name is Miles, but I produce music under the name Baze Blackwood. I've always been inspired by film music, so now I want to make it—that's where you come in! A barter arrangement with a diy filmmaker type is ideal for me (and maybe you too!). In return for composing original music...
  2. milesmakesmusic

    Bucket Lists, Truffle Pigs, and Soundscapes

    Hello there, everyone. My name is Miles, but you can call me Baze. I'm a music producer, composer, and songwriter currently based in Boston. I'm entering my 30s, and one of my big "life goal" items is to score my first movie. In the meantime, I produce music for others, have a solo project under...