Search results

  1. DrKHawonaha

    Script writers in southern UK

    Thank you to all who got in touch. The position has been filled.
  2. DrKHawonaha

    Script writers in southern UK

    Hello, It's been a little while since I last posted anything on the wonderful Indietalk. I have been working on some accompanying art to, eventually, package in with my script proposal. However, I m now nearing the point where I can transfer my time back to writing and have begun the early...
  3. DrKHawonaha

    UK People?

    Surrey actually. London is 15mins away and the Studios are 20 odd mins in the opposite direction.
  4. DrKHawonaha

    critique Short Script

    I thought it was quite good. As a formatting exercise it was very good. It felt almost entirely 'montage' to me, which, apart from the first page, it almost is. I don't know what the criteria of the contest is but if I was a judge (they would be scraping the barrel if I was!) I think I'd lean...
  5. DrKHawonaha

    UK People?

    Scrub that, I found it. So Geezer, classic case of 'read the forums before posting'!!
  6. DrKHawonaha

    UK People?

    I'd love to take a look Geez. You can direct message me a google docs like or something. Cheers
  7. DrKHawonaha

    copyright Protecting my baby from the big scary world

    Don't worry onbaldman. If there is one thing I've learned from my time in this industry it is 'Never pay for anything with your own money' ( can't remember who told me that... but it must have been a producer 😉)
  8. DrKHawonaha

    copyright Protecting my baby from the big scary world

    Thank you onebaldman. I really can't envision anything untoward is going to happen by simply sending a copy, or two, out to some interested parties. I'm not going to sell it (I'd have an easier time selling London bridge to some sucker in Arizona!) and, to be honest, if someone did post it on a...
  9. DrKHawonaha

    copyright Protecting my baby from the big scary world

    Thank you Directorik, I feared as much. I did stumble across this: and this: They call it the 'poor mans registration' (a title that fits, sadly!) Has anyone here actually done this? The writers guild of great britain wanted 200 quid to join, and then there is no certainty that it's any...
  10. DrKHawonaha

    copyright Protecting my baby from the big scary world

    Hello As you are no doubt all sick of hearing from me... I am very nearly finished the 1st full draft of my script. I have a few changes I need to make, removing all my director/camera notes and triple checking my atrocious spelling, but it is very close to completion. However, and this is...
  11. DrKHawonaha

    UK People?

    I'm very soon going to need some collaboration from someone... anyone. I'm gong through my 1st Draft/final script (as a kinda 'self proof-read') to pick out any obvious nastyness. but I have a very real impression that I'm too close to the project and will need independent, non biased, options...
  12. DrKHawonaha

    archived-videos My horror movie!

    Transcribe it into script form. I'll definitely give that a read. 👍
  13. DrKHawonaha

    archived-videos My Group's First Completed Short

    Amazing. 2mins of understated pathos. Can I ask... How long was this in development, to final release?
  14. DrKHawonaha

    Who is from the U.K.

    I'm London based. I'm in the thick of pre-production on 3 short films right now, but I can always find time to help out a fellow in need.
  15. DrKHawonaha

    Novice screenwriter..with a completed screenplay

    Well put Alcove Audio. I agree whole heatedly, through many years of empirical knowledge, in what you have described. It is a bugger of an industry, and you do need to understand this, otherwise you will eventually find out in a less than pleasing way. Having said that, even though I think...
  16. DrKHawonaha

    Most popular sites for casting?

    Thank you Rayandmigdalia, I completely forgot about! I'm starting to look around to cast for a 'no-budget' promo shoot/mood reel in next spring. I'll give them a whirl but not sure what response I'll get when they find out it's expenses, food and travel only?!?! Thank you...
  17. DrKHawonaha

    Most popular sites for casting?

    sorry to open an old thread. Can anyone suggest a good casting site, method, for UK based short films?
  18. DrKHawonaha

    Hey everyone!

    Hello Stephanie, It's great to have you here, you've already helped me out with a great link to a useful article. I'm pretty new here myself, but, so far, it's been truly beneficial. Have fun.
  19. DrKHawonaha

    critique WORK IN PROGRESS scripts

    Hello, I'm sorry but I've had to give up on 'Life as a screenplay'. I'm roughly half an hour in and nothing has happened to capture my interest. This along with the daunting magnitude of it, makes it quite a bit of a chore. I'm not a producer, though I have sat in many, many producers offices...
  20. DrKHawonaha

    format Voice overs!?

    Cool. Thank you