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  1. L

    Critique Music Video Lighting

    Hi Guys, Shooting a music video in a couple of weeks and was wondering if you could all give some advice on my planned lighting setup - perhaps chiming in with some advice/changes depending on your experiences. Shot and lit plenty before but this will be my first live performing band. The...
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    watch Showreel Feedback 2015

    Sorry to "bump" but anymore thoughts :) ?
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    watch Showreel Feedback 2015

    Perhaps I should be more accurate. This is more my "self shooter" reel, so i am trying to show off my visuals etc. Good point raised though, as my long term goal is to move exclusively into directing, I should have a reel with dialogue/action for a "directing reel". Cheers for watching
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    watch Showreel Feedback 2015

    Hi All, Always a good place for feedback. Cut myself a new director/editor showreel made from some projects from the last year or so. Done a lot of music videos and a few comedy skits, although most things I've done have had some sort of horror vibe here and there. Wanted to get across some...
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    Small Video Production Setup

    Hey all, Always a good place for discussion. Does anyone know if there is production company structure (any examples would be great) where they do BOTH corporate video for hire and create and produce their own films? I’m a filmmaker looking to support myself via a small business which I am in...
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    Torch Light Scene

    Hi All, I'm hoping to film a scene where a character searches a house (post-apocalyptic film, so no electricity..) with a flashlight. I'm shooting with a 7D, so I get good low light footage but with ONLY torchlight in this pitch black house, I get very dark, grainy, hard to see footage. Any...
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    Does page count matter when writing a horror screenplay?

    I'm of the mindset that if the story is only 70 pages long, or however long, after it's perfected, then that is the length of the story. You can't argue if that's how long it is. Don't flesh it out or cut it to satisfy a rule of thumb. As long as the is well paced with great performances and...
  8. L

    Don't Ask, Don't Get

    So, that was embarrassing. I'm completing a horror movie currently, and have come to film the ending. On location scouting, we found this really cool abandoned looking building in the woods, and went up there today to investigate filming there. Now, its derelict in places, so I was unsure...
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    Your Dream Job & Your Real Job

    I identify a lot with this, I'm a musician too by the way. Thats kind of my thing, music and film, and I think thats a great point - you have to be realistic and honest in all forms of your life for these things to work. In the sense that you need to be honest with your goals, finances, and...
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    Shooting a concert - Need some help

    My 2 cents would be that the crowd shots are like gold. Get some stuff of the front row reacting, and any kind of head banging/mosh pits/crowd interaction (all depending on the genre obviously) you can get. If you can 2 camera it, get one in the sound booth of a tripod and get the above...
  11. L

    Opinions on this concept?

    I really like the concept, but agree it could veer into the cliche, camp territory. If shot, I think this would actually work better on a limited budget and filmed in a real stripped down, slow burner kind of way. I think it would do better without mad car chases and races against time, but...
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    Looking For Help Writing...

    I know he's by no means any sort of screenwriting legend, but there was an interview with Ricky Gervais I saw a while back where he was discussing the making of the show "Extras" and he went into their writing process. They drew up the lead character, a complete full, 3D description of...
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    Your Dream Job & Your Real Job

    I can see from the above that my position isn't unique, and I appreciate the feedback. I'm a writer/director (well, 'in progress', you know what I mean). I'm lucky enough to have done some stuff I'm proud of - it's nothing coming to cinemas or festivals near you, but quality improves with every...
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    Your Dream Job & Your Real Job

    I find myself in a very torn place at the moment. I've made lots of shorts here and there, music videos which have been well received and dabble with other creative endeavours (a keen musician and story writer). My problem is I feel in a rut. Whilst not ready to just go out and make a feature...
  15. L

    I know nothing about anything

    I think to expand on previous points would be to say, that thinking positively, is your first film will suck AT WORST. That is the worst case scenario; you made a bad film but had a great learning experience. You aren't going to be shunned by the industry or banned from making another film ever...
  16. L

    Am I a Freelancer or a Video Production Company?

    Those are useful points actually. I am looking to advertise for hire video services, but my long term goal is to just produce my own content (probably not unusual). I want this company I already have named website and all to be the name I stamp on these when done. I hear the point about...
  17. L

    Am I a Freelancer or a Video Production Company?

    Hi All, A little advice from those a little wiser and more experienced than me please, or at least a little more decisive. I've been filmmaking for a couple of years now, love it as we all do, producing work at a decent turnover and getting better all the time. After a few music videos for...
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    Director Reputation - Potential Controversial Project

    Hi All, So I direct music videos and am excited for my next project, but wanted to ask advice from fellow creatives. After agreeing to make the video, the group involved storyline for the video was a plot with a strong drug related theme, with the characters taking mind altering substances and...