Small Video Production Setup

Hey all,

Always a good place for discussion.

Does anyone know if there is production company structure (any examples would be great) where they do BOTH corporate video for hire and create and produce their own films?

I’m a filmmaker looking to support myself via a small business which I am in the process of setting up, but also want my own production company 'name' to release my own creative endeavours. (I am about to embark on 10 written/directed 2 minute shorts over the next 8 months.)

Would I be wise to have one company which does both?

Or split and have a company for producing my own content and a company to advertise for hire services?

Thanks for thoughts.
If it just for short films, which are low cost and have no profit potential, sure you can include it under the same company.

Perhaps just write off those small expenses for the short film as "marketing". :-P

However, if making a feature film it makes more sense to set up a separate company as that is a very large endevour.
I have no knowledge about UK business and fiscal laws.
It seems you need advice in that area about risks, costs and benefits of certain contructions.

I sometimes make short stuff that I want to make: I indeed use it for marketing porposes as IronFilm suggests. Or to train my skills.

I never made any feature (or short) to sell it, so I never had to deal with investors and the risks, rules and responsibilities that come with that.

Like IronFilm says: it also depends on wht you want to do with the creative productions.