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    Screenplay Thoughts

    Hey, guys. I've just uploaded my script, Kinsey Adolescence, to the Blacklist website, and if any of you happen to be members, I'd really appreciate you giving it a look. I'll post a link here, if anyone wants to read it and share their thoughts. Thank you...
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    Blacklist– Kinsey Adolescence

    Hey, guys. I've just uploaded my script, Kinsey Adolescence, to the Blacklist website, and if any of you happen to be members, I'd really appreciate you giving it a look. Also, if you've got one, I'd be more than happy to check it out!
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    Kinsey Adolescence Script

    Hey everyone, this is the first two-thirds of a screenplay I've been working on, with the intention of submitting it to the Bluecat Screenplay competition, maybe not to place, but at least for the feedback, and opportunity to get it out there. It essentially follows the life of a 19 year old...
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    A Haunting (Horror Screenplay)

    Hey guys, I've been writing this screenplay with the intention of refining it until it becomes something usable. It comes from a very personal place, and more so than any other screenplay I've written, I'm very excited about it, and i've taken some past advice and edited it greatly. I hope that...
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    A Haunting

    I can't explain how invaluable this advice was to me. I'm going to try my best to work your suggestions into the screenplay. I've only written a few screenplays, and only being eighteen, I still have a ton to learn about the process. It's one of those things where you don't realize how difficult...
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    A Haunting

    Hey guys, I've been writing this screenplay with the intention of submitting it to the Slamdance Horror Contest at the end of June. It comes from a very personal place, and more so than any other screenplay I've written, I'm very excited about it. I've finally completed my first draft with some...
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    A Haunting (First 40 pages + Conclusion) Hey guys, I've been writing this screenplay with the intention of submitting it to the Slamdance Horror Contest at the end of June. It comes from a very personal place, and more so than any other screenplay I've...
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    Opening for my horror screenplay.

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    Opening for my horror screenplay.

    I'm writing a horror screenplay and I'm uploading the opening to get some ideas on what people think. I'm only a senior in high school, so I know my writing isn't out of this world fantastic, but it's something I enjoy. I really like horror movies- who doesn't- and I've always wanted a career in...