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  1. M

    Need a professional opinion on this video camera

    hey huys here is the link to check out please let me know what you think could this one be like professional for filming or wedding or what you guys think...
  2. M

    i know i asked this before but i lost the thread

    what were the website someone gave me to get some donation for producing an indie film?
  3. M

    need some help i am writting a script and came across some info that i dont know

    here is the question what drug causes sight loss or blurry vision when flashed with lights or laser? can lasik surgery on the eyes has that effect? Thanks in advance, respectfully MobsterLVL..
  4. M

    I wrote this long ago for Jewish Film Festival 2011 (13 page script for feedbacks)

    Warning a lot of stereotypes included so it could be a little offensive.. it had to be something with Jewish identity so i made it into a comedy..
  5. M

    Who picks out the theme songs and songs in general for film

    I am asking this cause sometimes when i write a story i have a tune or a song in my head that perfectly fits the scene or movie that i am working on. I was just wondering if a screenplay writer can suggest some tunes to whomever is supposed to do it??
  6. M

    80 page screen play dont know what to do with

    how do i upload it for you guys to check it out
  7. M

    watch Chase Scene

    quality sucks i know just hit 480p it will be better i did not have hd camera 4 years ago... just wanted to show u what i made. its very hard to find serious people to act in a film at New York so that's all i have for now...