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    Desperate need of crit

    Thank you for your crit Nicholas! Thanks for taking the time to read it for me! :)
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    Desperate need of crit

    Hey, I have a short 5 page script that I would like some constructive critizism on...if someone would like to read it, please post your e-mail address. This is my first screenplay. Thank you very much.
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    favorite New 10 favorite movies

    I agree with you. I remember watching Gerry one day when I was bored at home, thinking, "Hey, I'll watch a movie, that won't be boring." Oh boy, was I in for a surprise! I have to agree with you completely though, after I watched the entire movie through, I felt like I had accomplished...
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    No Experience, but want to gain some

    Yeah, I know that I have an unlimited actor base to choose from. I know quite a bit of the actors on campus, but I just lack the filmmaking knowledge. Thanks for everyone's help :).
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    No Experience, but want to gain some

    Yeah, I'm a Theatre Education major at the University of Arizona, so I'm already heavily into theatre...I'd like to get into some film stuff, and I'm going to be taking some courses from my community college because my university only opens up the film classes to the Media Arts majors, due to...
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    favorite New 10 favorite movies

    In no particular order: 1.) Garden State 2.) Fight Club 3.) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 4.) Gattica 5.) Donnie Darko 6.) Dreamcatcher 7.) SLC Punk! 8.) Full Metal Jacket 9.) Monty Python _____ (I'm going to cheat, because I love every single movie) 10.) Romeo and Juliet (the one with...
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    No Experience, but want to gain some

    Hi, I'm in Tucson, Arizona, and I have no experience in film, but I would like to gain some. Unfortunetly, I'm always too afraid to try and find where I can help out to get experience...does anyone even want someone with no experience at all? What's the best way for a newbie in the business to...
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    Best steadycam for mini-dv?

    Oh! This is VERY helpful. I was actually about to post a topic about this. Thanks guys!
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    favorite favorite actor/actress

    Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, Tom Hanks
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    Need Comments on Script

    I can try and read it...I should be able to between class (sometimes up to three hours, UGH!). Send it over!
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    Film Supply

    Awesome!!! Thank you very much!
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    Vegas Troubleshooting

    Not yet, I'm going to try re-installing it, and then applying what you have all told me to do.
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    Film Supply

    Thanks guys! Raw Stock looks really cool!
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    Film Supply

    Are there any websites out there that specialize in selling film equipment (cameras, mics, etc) for independent filmmakers? Just wondering where the best places are to look for equipment to use for films.
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    Vegas Troubleshooting

    The clip freezes when I try to play it in WinAmp...I'm using Windows XP. I've tried to re-capture the footage twice and both times it says that it can't find it.
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    Vegas Troubleshooting

    I downloaded the trail version of Vegas 5, and when I uploaded a clip and tryed to play it, it says that Microsoft Sound Mapper cannot be found. Has anyone encountered this problem before, and know what's wrong? If no one know, where is a good place to steer me towards an answer. Thanks.
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    General questions; anyone from Tucson?

    Thank you very much for that...that was a very inspiring post for me!
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    DVD Creation

    What kind of programs do you guys use for DVD creation? I know that if you purchase Vegas 5 that it includes DVD Architect...but what happens if you have another program? What kind of other DVD creators are there out there?
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    editing Best user friendly editing program for PC

    Price isn't that much of a concern because I can get the software for cheaper because of my student status...I guess I just want to be able to do the most with my film. I've seen my cousin use Premier and I've liked it's features, but I have never used Vegas before. I think I will probably get...
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    General questions; anyone from Tucson?

    I will have to check that out...thank you!