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    watch Short Film: Morph. Hey this is the finished version of a short film i made about a weird person called Morph. Your gonna love him or hate him :) Enjoy
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    watch Morph. A short film i conjured up last tuesday for a film festival my college held this tuesday. Took me 4 days to make, its the uncut version. Its somthing your going to either love or hate. For some reason the quailty has buggered up on my laptop. Let me know what you think
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    Music for my short film

    Hey i am working on a short film called inside out and i am looking for music i can use without paying as its low budget and part of my college coursework but i am also looking to submit it to various film festivals If anyone is able to help can you let me know via here :) Thanks Dan
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    How do i go about getting music for my short film

    Im currently working on my first short film and im wondering were i would to go to get music for my short without paying. Would anyone know any sites i can look at or?
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    Inside Out (Short Screenplay) Title: Inside Out This story is about a girl ready to end it all, but just as she is about to she encounters a strange girl... Could you...
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    Any tips for starting a web series?

    So ive been slowly writing a web series and im just wondering if anyone has any tips for me on a web series and getting it started?
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    Delinquent - Feedback please :)

    The first page to a short script ive been working on. Would like to know if it would hook you to reading more? INT. Graces living room GRACE is on her knees next to a table, crying into her hands, the room around her has been trashed and on the table lay a kitchen knife, a pot of pills and a...
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    Embarrsing rejctions

    Im currently working on a short comedy, the story revolves around this guy attempting to ask out a girl, with hopefully hilarious conseqences, so i was hoping if anyone wouldnt mind sharing some embarrsing storys or make a an embarrsing recjection :)
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    Comedy Short

    Ive got the plot, ive got the characters, ive got a basic outline, but i just cant get myself to write my script. Im still trying to get the hang of it and hoping writing this first script will give me the inspriastion i need to write many more, but i just cant to seem to get my ideas into the...
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    Writers block?

    I have been coming up with a concept for my film which i think will be great. Ive had this idea in my head since November, and its been floating around and evolving ever since. Im at the stage were i need to outline what i want to happen in my film, but i cant get myself to right my ideas down...
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    Here Today, Gone Tomorow

    Here Today, Gone Tomorow (Working Title) EDIT: The film is to be short 15-30mins PREMISE The tale of two best friends, never seen apart. Always together... until illness hit. While Oliver is battling for his life, James must overcome his demons to see his friend before its all to late...
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    Breif tutoring

    So, im a budding director and raring to start working on my 2011 film projects. The problem is, im the only one out of my friends who even considers scriptwriting. Ive got 3 script ideas. 2 shorts and 1 feature. Prefably i want to do my shorts before the feature, but thats hard wehn your nagging...
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    Writing a comedy...

    So, i've been attempting to work on my second script, which is to be feature length, but my brains at the stage were i can't be bothered as theres to much to do with that going in my head. So i thought id take a break and try and put togther a Comedy peice, but im not the funnyest guy. Ive got...
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    Brief Plot idea

    I have just written a brief outline of what i want my film idea for a script to be like. Please leave honest opinions on the below text. Would like to know if it sounds like a good plot idea, and other suggestions you can think of :) The story centres around young adult Lewis who is 18 years...
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    Ideas overload

    My mind is bristling with ideas for my first script, but a problem with me is i have some difficulties getting my ideas down and them making them sound realstic and not far fetched. If anyone is willing there knowledge with me or give me a hand so that i have the story down on paper so i can get...
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    Film company

    I want to have my own indepentent film company so i can use the name on my productions, What is involed in this process? Im a bit of newb to stuff like this
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    After Effects CS5

    Im pretty new to After Effects, and i'm wondering if anyone knows any sites that give very basic tutorials to help you cover the majoirty aspects on the software. Most of the tutorials i have found havent helped me much.
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    Screenwriting troubles

    Im in the process of writing my first screenplay, i know what my conflict is and the concept of the whole script. Im just having one major problem. The first 10 pages. I know i want to start with my main charcter unconcious on a path, but im not sure how to lead on from there. One obvious...
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    Dan from UK

    Hey im Dan, im 18 and very passinoate about film and tv and hope one day to become a successful Director. Im currently trying to Write, Direct, Edit and Produce my first film.