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  1. HoopyFrood

    Views on a Canon 60D

    I recently purchased one, and don't regret a thing. I love it, takes gorgeous photos and video, and the package I got comes with a convenient 18-135
  2. HoopyFrood

    Hey, all

    Good question, polfilmblog. Coming from someone who barely knew anything about cameras or lenses before getting here, it's really gotten me comfortable working with equipment (I had tried over and over again to read about things like lenses and lighting, and just absolutely wasn't understanding...
  3. HoopyFrood

    Terrence Malick's Tree of Life

    Oh of course, don't even get me started about how much I thoroughly enjoyed Black Swan. It was a perfect companion piece to The Wrestler, in that they were almost polar opposites
  4. HoopyFrood

    Help me be AWESOME

    I just recently invested in a 60D as well, and don't regret it. I'd suggest the 50mm prime 1.8, it's only about $100, and while it's not perfect, it's a good jumping off point
  5. HoopyFrood

    Terrence Malick's Tree of Life

    For those of you who caught Black Swan over the weekend, did any of you see the teaser trailer for Terrence Malick's next film that played with it? What did you all think? It looked so visually stunning, every shot was beautifully molded - it's about time Malick comes out with something new! The...
  6. HoopyFrood

    Hey, all

    I'm attending NYU's tisch film program. Worked hard to get here, and I'm going to be incredibly broke as a result, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.
  7. HoopyFrood


    Buried, recently released, takes place in a coffin for the entire film, using only Ryan Reynolds and a cell phone.
  8. HoopyFrood

    Hey, all

    My name's Casey, was referred here by a good friend. Attending film school in New York while I dream of lofty ambitions; for now I'm just trying to write about whatever ideas come to mind, crew whatever opportunities I get, and figure out where my interests lie (everything just fascinates me so...