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  1. L

    watch Ovum - Short Film

    Thanks guys, it was filmed with a Canon 7D and EF 50mm 1.8.
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    watch Ovum - Short Film

    VCHAIR's new film, Ovum, featuring Pip Archer. Filmed in Spreyton, Tasmania.
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    watch Consume - Short Film Shot for BOFA's Qwik Flik Short Film Competition, a 48 hour competition. Hope you like it! :) VCHAIR Critique?
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    watch Gametes

    Hey guys, VCHAIR’s new film, Gametes, for Melbourne Underground Film Festival. Shot yesterday and early today in a mad rush to get an entry on time! Two filming locations: Spreyton and Acacia Hills, both in Tasmania, Australia. Please give...
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    watch Aeolus by VCHAIR Sorry, oops :) For some reason it's stuck on 308 views, it has been for a few days. Anyone know what the problem is?
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    watch Aeolus by VCHAIR

    Hi guys :) This is my friend and I's new film for our local art gallery for a Youth Art exhibition. The artists' statement (under 50 words) was: I apologise sincerely for the toplessness, unfortunately I do not own any t-shirts that suit the tribal appeal we were aiming for! It was all shot...
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    Too much suicide?

    I have come to the conclusion that I will go for it. It's my first screenplay + movie (possibly) so I don't see the harm in experimenting with big issues. At least if it doesn't go too well, I don't have a good reputation for it to tarnish anyway. Thank you all so much for your advice, my mind...
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    Hyopthetical Music Rights Purchase

    Ah, thank you very much. :) Newbie to all this, so it's very helpful.
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    I'm in Launceston/Devonport. I kind of live in both, not at the same time though! You? :)

    I'm in Launceston/Devonport. I kind of live in both, not at the same time though! You? :)
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    Hello from Providence

    Witt-e! :D
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    Too much suicide?

    Both are necessary for different reasons; the first sets the scene for the hierarchy and shows what the whole movie is really about; how peoples' actions make a horrible and non-revertible impact on people. The second is also needed as it's all about how, no matter where you are in a world, you...
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    Oh! I know him! He's a really nice guy. He's actually really popular with the girls so I hope...

    Oh! I know him! He's a really nice guy. He's actually really popular with the girls so I hope you don't have too much competition...
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    watch First Short Film: Imaginary Lives

    In the prologue scene, I really liked the quote that Kasey said - "true friendship is seen through the heart and not the eyes". It worked really well with the movie. When we heard from "Paul" I started to get a little confused, I also thought that the whole "Hillary Clinton farting" thing was...
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    Oh? :O

    Oh? :O
  15. L

    Hello from Providence

    Welcome! Rhode Island? Peter Griffin?! :D Well also a newbie, so I can't really say any "welcome to the team", but just pretend I was an old member when I welcome you. :)
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    Hey, I'm a Texan!

    Welcome! Wow, Texas? Cool. :)
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    I love your name! :) You seem like a really lovely person, really glad to meet you. :)

    I love your name! :) You seem like a really lovely person, really glad to meet you. :)
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    Too much suicide?

    In my most recent screenplay/plot planning, I have developed it around 3 characters. It follows their individual stories, all ranging from around half an hour. The first and second character are both about to attempt suicide when their story ends, and aftter the third's story their stories...
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    Hello fellow Tasmanian!

    Hello fellow Tasmanian!
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    G'day from Australia

    North. :) As for what I've done... watch? Haha. I have started to write a screenplay and I am really passionate about that so far, therefore I'd like to continue it and possibly film it. :) Still quite ignorant to the "biz", but I'm trying to change that. :D