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watch Aeolus by VCHAIR

Hi guys :)

This is my friend and I's new film for our local art gallery for a Youth Art exhibition.

The artists' statement (under 50 words) was:

Twisted through a nebulous dream world, full of fantasy and adventure, a forest-dwelling beasty sleeps in solitude. Ostracised from tribal activities, it watches a family of creatures, jealous and curious of their way of life. It approaches slowly, hiding itself from sight. Its only until it is seen that its life can really begin.

I apologise sincerely for the toplessness, unfortunately I do not own any t-shirts that suit the tribal appeal we were aiming for! It was all shot in his backyard, in Spreyton, Tasmania, Australia.

Please critique, we're still learning and would love some tips.

Thank you in advance!

Lochsley Wilson

Sorry, oops :)

For some reason it's stuck on 308 views, it has been for a few days. Anyone know what the problem is?

This is a problem that Youtube has, but it won't talk about it. The reason it gets stuck is that it thinks that something is artificially inflating your views. So basically it freezes the view count until it deems that you have surpassed the amount of views shown, with actual views(as they see them). It normally sticks around 300 views. If your vid gets past that, you're probably safe.

You could also try reuploading but that rarely works. Just be patient, if your vid gets enough legit traffic it will go up eventually.