Search results

  1. Alcove Audio

    for-sale Free Stuff & Stuff For Sale

    Greetings IndieTalkers, As you all know I am moving in the near future. Some stuff I would like to sell, some I'll just give away. Here are a few things that may be of interest... Please PM me if you have interest in any of these items...... Come And Get It If you want it, all you have to...
  2. Alcove Audio

    Alcove Audio Has Returned - sort of...

    Greetings IndieTalkers! Yes, it has been a while. Lots of news none of it good. First... I was insulted, infuriated, humiliated and outraged that anyone would think that I needed help. I am humbled, honored and privileged to have such caring, warm friends out there. Truly, I am touched to...
  3. Alcove Audio


    Hey there, IndieTalkers. I am now officially out of business. My studio has been flooded again. I did manage to get the expansive equipment out; it now occupies our living room. However, the studio and control room are a complete loss as are all of the Foley props and other misc. items. If...
  4. Alcove Audio

    sound One of the many things that we as sound folks explore.

    Came across this the other day and just felt that I should share it. Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Sounds of Weather - YouTube
  5. Alcove Audio

    Happy New Year

    I saw this and just had to share it. Here's for a much, much happier New Year.
  6. Alcove Audio

    Prepping for Isaias

    I just spent the afternoon - and a part of yesterday - prepping for Hurricane Isaias. I cleaned all of the gutters yesterday. Damn! I hate hanging my butt off of the ladder scraping leaves and other debris out of the gutters. Today I put the outdoor dining set, garbage can, BBQ grill and...
  7. Alcove Audio

    story Maps of Meaning

    As one more way to fill the hours of lockdown I have been watching Jordon Petersons 2017 "Maps of Meaning" lecture series based upon his book of the same name. Very interesting stuff, at least to me. He delves into arch types and the basis of stories throughout history (story and meta-story)...
  8. Alcove Audio

    WOW!!!!! That's really weird!

    I just stepped outside to get something from our (detached) garage, and IT WAS FRIGGIN' SNOWING! Well, kind of...... It was frozen precipitation that came down hard and fast like hail, but was the consistency of snow; so it was probably rain that froze on the way down. It only lasted ten...
  9. Alcove Audio

    news Jay Rose

    Sound designer and author Jay rose passed away this week. Many of his books and videos are mainstays of "How To" about sound-for-picture. He'll be missed.
  10. Alcove Audio

    news Max von Sydow

    RIP Max Von Sydow. Many of you younger folks won't know who he is, but we all lost a great actor. A few of his more notable films: The Seventh Seal The Greatest Story Ever Told The Quiller Memorandum The Exorcist Three Days of the Condor Voyage of the Damned Dreamscape Conan the Barbarian...
  11. Alcove Audio

    sound Article About Sound-For-Picture

    Undervaluing Sound And Why Some Producers Shoot Themselves In The Foot By Trying To Cut Costs An interesting article from Pro Tools Expert/Production Expert"...
  12. Alcove Audio

    industry Life after Pi

    I thought that some of you may be interested.
  13. Alcove Audio

    Proud Poppa Needs Advice

    Hey all! My youngest daughter is a high school senior. The school quite large with an impressive campus; there are almost 900 in her graduating class. She has been in the Theater track since her freshman year and has been a Theater Arts Honor Student every year. (Your academics have to be on...
  14. Alcove Audio

    sound A Very Good Article About Foley

    The title says it all.
  15. Alcove Audio

    editing Another Audio Post Video
  16. Alcove Audio

    What a sound engineer REALLY does.

    I thought that some of you might enjoy these.
  17. Alcove Audio

    R.I.P. Garry Marshall

    Besides being the creator of “Happy Days,” “The Odd Couple,” “Laverne and Shirley” and “Mork and Mindy” Garry Marshall also directed "The Princess Diaries," "Runaway Bride," "Pretty Woman," "Overboard," and "The Flamingo Kid" among others. He'll be missed.
  18. Alcove Audio

    RIP Keith Emerson

    Since he did score a few films I guess he qualifies for a film site. Keith Emerson was a boyhood hero and was one of the reasons I pursued a music career. He made keyboards cool and was considered to the Hammond Organ what Jimi Hendrix was to the Stratocaster. In fact, prior to his death...
  19. Alcove Audio

    R.I.P. Maureen O'Hara

    A beautiful lady, a great actor, great eyes. I'll miss her.
  20. Alcove Audio

    Everest, Without Sound Effects

    Apparently, the BBC was sent a preview scene of "Everest" and received a dialog only version. Here it is. And as it's supposed to be.