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  1. Buddy Greenfield

    editing What does it look like is going on here?

    What kind of effects or processes does it look like are going on here? I love the nightmarish freak out look and ever changing style, but there seems to be so much going on presumably between film, video and lighting that I can’t make heads or...
  2. Buddy Greenfield


    Not perfect, but if you are steady and slow you get about a 5 second usable shot. (Maybe more if the two little tabs inside are flattened.) Was 10 bucks for a pack of two drawer slides -I added a base with feet, a camera mount bolt and a handle. For what it costs and as easy as it was to make...
  3. Buddy Greenfield

    C- Clamp Jib

    Fasten it all kinds of places. -Thanks-
  4. Buddy Greenfield

    Cam Stabilizer

    Here is one of the stabilizers I made recently. (Somewhat out of my “Bike Parts” bin.) As shown here it’s really only the 1st simple version of it. When I get parts I’ll make the mounting plate adjustable in two directions, add an outside bearing to the center shaft/handle, and give it a...
  5. Buddy Greenfield

    Surface Dolly

    I saw some “Budget” thing like this yesterday for $99. I made this one with about $15 of stuff and a half hour of work. -Thanks-
  6. Buddy Greenfield

    Table Jib

    Nothing much to see, or say. -Thanks-
  7. Buddy Greenfield

    Newest Doorway Dolly

    Here is my latest doorway dolly made partly from recycled stuff. This is a multi clamp concept I’ve been waiting to try: The Rivet and Slot system is sometimes found in bed frame angle iron (Which I used). In the future I want to make detachable skate wheel trucks with this rivet/slot...
  8. Buddy Greenfield

    Pet Parade

    Here's my Indie Pet: Let's see yours! -Thanks-
  9. Buddy Greenfield

    Newest Table Top Dolly

    Here is my newest DIY Table Top (Skateboard Wheel) Dolly. I think it would cost about $30 or so to make including PVC and end caps. Feel free to add pics and diagrams or whatever of yours. -Thanks-
  10. Buddy Greenfield

    How did they get this shot?

    I (as I imagine others must) see shots now and then that make me wonder me how they were done, so I figured we could try to address some of those shots for the fun. My 1st: From the shower scene of Psycho. How do they get that shot up into the...
  11. Buddy Greenfield

    Favorite unknown (Indie) actors?

    Who are some of your favorite unknown/not well known (Indie) actors and noteable performances from? While not a showcase of range, or anything flashy and over the top; one of the most stunningly simple stylized performances I have ever seen is Lucinda Lloyd (as Alison) in Paper Twin...
  12. Buddy Greenfield

    cinematography Wattage thoughts for ext. night?

    I built a little rolling light boom for simple outdoor night shots, but I’m wondering what would be a general wattage to equp it with for illuminating a two-shot area (nothing fancy or all that big) from like 12 above/over and maybe 6 feet back out of frame (if I don’t boom over)? I’ll be...
  13. Buddy Greenfield

    cinematography When to go hand-held?

    I notice in films that hand-held or stabilized (that draws attention to the camera) works in certain scenes or shots or scenarios that impart visual “mood”. When I see it done well I feel like “Damn that is perfect, but I would never think to do it there!” So what are common...
  14. Buddy Greenfield

    Link to the dolly/fake lap swim technique?

    Anyone have a link to the dolly/fake lap swimming technique? I saw it in the DVD extras or maybe closing credits for The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers (AKA Attack Girls Swim Team Vs. The Undead AKA Rebel Force Girls), but I can’t seem to locate another example of it, and can’t find...
  15. Buddy Greenfield

    A few DIY things I’ve made

    These aren’t tips or techniques, just one off stuff I've made that maybe you’ll get a laugh from. The link features a few basic things I've built. LINK REMOVED As a way to remain fashionably broke (and recycle) I used to make things from junk I found, like a jib on a rolling lawnmower...
  16. Buddy Greenfield

    The 'Ideas you will never write' thread

    I imagine many interested in screenwriting (Like myself) have extra ideas that we will just never write. It might be fun to toss out loglines or taglines or concepts of these extra ideas so that maybe someone else could use them to write a script. Please add yours. When a cruel study...
  17. Buddy Greenfield

    The 1st 10 pages of your first feature

    I was going through some old files and found the 1st ten pages of my first feature. I would be interested to see the 1st ten pages of YOUR 1st feature, so please share. FADE IN: EXT.ALLEY-NIGHT JASON FORRESTER (10), his little sister SIMONE (6), and THEIR MOTHER with a split lip walk with...
  18. Buddy Greenfield

    Before I was into filmmaking...

    Are there things that took place or gear you got rid of before you were into film/video making that now kind of burn you up? For me there are 2 things: 1. In the past you could buy and drop off S8 or 16mm at corner drugs stores! 2. Used to be one could literally walk down an alley and find...
  19. Buddy Greenfield

    Developing a wider range of technique.

    I’m trying to develop a wider range of “techniques” to draw upon. These can be aspects of script, shot, lighting, audio, editing, or who knows what? For example, a script or post scenario technique might be: -Voice Over can give a different account of what is seen.- INT. APARTMENT-...
  20. Buddy Greenfield

    archived-videos Palmdale- A No Budget Camcorder Sci Fi

    Here is Palmdale, an ultra low quality no budget sci fi/action/stoner short debacle. Shot in BrokeOscope (In California) on some kind of Walmart palmcorder, then “Edited” in (Chicago) with Windows Movie Maker and Adobe After Effects. Has a short flashback shot on...