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    editing Audio Post on a Budget

    I thought I'd write a basics guide to audio post, for relative newbies (or more experienced filmmakers) who are serious about filmmaking and want to avoid their films feeling like no/nano budget amateur films, which is an unavoidable consequence of poor sound! It's aimed at those with a budget...
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    Talking about Sound Design

    No one really talks about sound design. Film critics, aficionados and academics tend to analyse films in terms of what they see, the performances and other aspects of the visuals; cinematography (inc., lighting, etc.), camera angles, picture edits and either completely ignore or mention sound...
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    [Community Project] Sound Design

    Here are some questions, notes and suggestions on how to interpret and/or modify the script to maximise the effectiveness of sound design to aid the storytelling. Here's the link again to the draft script for reference. Scene 1 (EXT. WOODLAND AREA, NIGHT): Are we going to be hearing this...
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    editing Loudness or, How to measure what doesn't exist?

    I'm starting this thread in response to another thread where an IT member was using audio (dB) levels as a reference to loudness. I pointed out that there is no correlation between dB levels and loudness, which eventually led to several members expressing interest in knowing more about loudness...
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    editing Theatrical Sound Systems

    There are many on indietalk who have or aim to have their films screened in theatres, either hoping or working towards possible theatrical distribution or more commonly aiming for a theatrical screening at a film festivals. Much has already been posted on indietalk about creating sound for...
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    editing Audio Post Webinar

    I thought some of you might find the link below useful. It's a Webinar made by Avid which deals with the whole audio post production process (inc. Music) for an indie film. The Webinar lasts over an hour, is a bit slow to get started, a bit long winded in places and occasionally a bit of a...
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    The Principles of Sound Design

    Introduction: In this thread I am going to try to explain the fundamentals of sound design. Sound Design is the most esoteric of the film arts and the least well understood by the public, the vast majority of filmmakers and even by some who market themselves as a Sound Designer. For this...
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    Balanced vs Unbalanced Audio

    Every so often on indietalk, when advice is sought about microphones, the issue of balanced and unbalanced is brought up. The advice is always; to get a balanced mic and recorder. This is because a balanced connection greatly reduces interference. In this post I'll try to explain simply what...
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    Festival Screening Formats

    A re-occuring theme seems to be many filmmakers' preoccupation with the visual side of filmmaking at the expense of knowledge/care when it comes to the audio side of things. The result is that many films which succeed in getting through the most difficult step, the selection process, end up...
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    sound Production Sound (Gain Staging)

    When I first joined this board one of the mods suggested creating an audio FAQ or glossary. There are so many facets to audio production and post production that I shied away from the idea but said I would, when I had the time, create posts with useful info. I posted one a couple of days ago...
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    New BlackMagic Product Announcements

    Just got this email from Blackmagic today, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet I thought I'd post it here: Hi, I wanted to send you a quick email with information on some new products we are announcing at IBC in Amsterdam today. Blackmagic Cinema Camera MFT Since the Blackmagic Cinema Camera...
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    editing A Stereo Warning!!

    I thought a post about stereo was called for because there are some serious problems with stereo that many of you are probably unaware of. Some context and explanation: Many of you on this forum will at some stage be looking to enter film festivals. Most film festivals, certainly all the more...
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    editing Working with Audio Post

    Those new to filmmaking or those working with no budget will likely have to do all the audio post themselves, using whatever audio tools are available in their video editing software. At some stage though, if you are a professional or aspiring professional, you will want to hand over the audio...
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    editing The Avengers - The Editing Team Speaks

    The latest Marvel movie, The Avengers, has blown audiences away with great storytelling, awesome visual effects, and thrilling sound. Join the Avengers team—editor Jeff Ford, assistant editor Robin Buday, and assistant editor Matt Schmidt—on June 28th and hear how the film was shot digitally...
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    sound Composing - For a Living

    In a recent thread, I've seen some rather alarming advice and attitudes to becoming a professional composer, largely born out of ignorance of the realities of achieving and maintaining a career as a professional composer. Some background first: The music business in general has changed beyond...
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    sound Music Requirements

    Due to cheap technology, there are a lot more people these days creating music but as the music business is in decline and making any money is so difficult, many turn to the film/tv scene. There are two types of composers working or trying to work in this field, people who compose films scores...