Search results

  1. moonshieldmedia

    Treehouse Festival - Los Angeles

    Hey everyone! I haven't been as active in the IT community lately, but last year I got the opportunity to help found a new film, music, and arts festival in Los Angeles. It was very successful, so I'm back again this year as head film programmer. Take a look and let...
  2. moonshieldmedia

    archived-videos Finally released my first short film, "Petro"

    Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think!
  3. moonshieldmedia

    Any VFX artists free right now?

    I have a sci-fi short that has 2 quick scenes needing VFX. I can pay your day rate, please email your reels to Thanks!
  4. moonshieldmedia

    Kickstarter for my friend's feature: Shadow of a Gun

    Micah Van Hove (writer for and the guy who does all the cinematography for MY films) is making his own feature and it's about Guns. One day Micah came home and found his roommate building a gun in their garage and was immediately fascinated by his roommate's hobby. Eventually...
  5. moonshieldmedia

    Petro playing in Los Angeles

    If anyone is going to the Independent Filmmakers Showcase this year, be sure to check out my film in the "Drama Shorts 30B" block. It'll be at the Beverly Hills Music Hall theatre. Tickets:
  6. moonshieldmedia

    lighting Mixed lighting temperature question

    I should have posted this sooner because the music video I am directing is in... 7 hours, but any quick last minute advice might help! I'm shooting the band's performance tonight inside a warehouse type building. It's way over lit, so I plan to turn the building lights off, and I rented a Diva...
  7. moonshieldmedia

    Feature Film Treatment?

    Does anyone have experience writing a film treatment? I've found articles online about what is supposed to go into one, but since those articles sometimes contradict each other, I'd like to see actual examples if possible. I'm about to make one that will be sent out to agencies and studios and...
  8. moonshieldmedia

    Not Clear on WGA Minimums

    Anyone here know a lot about the Writer's Guild or anyone here that can put this contract language in clear terms for me? Basically I'm trying to figure out how much I could expect to get if, let's say Netflix, options...
  9. moonshieldmedia

    First impressions from this movie poster?

    I made this mockup poster for my short film and I'm looking for reactions! How does it make you feel? What kind of film might this be? What might the story be about? Suggestions for improvements? Thanks!
  10. moonshieldmedia

    Cost to shoot a classroom scene?

    So I had a location fall through last minute. I have a whole classroom of free extras for a 6th grade class, but nowhere to film the scene and it's happening this Saturday (in 3 days) Every public school in Los Angeles won't allow us to film, even for 2 hours, without going through FilmLa...
  11. moonshieldmedia

    archived-videos [VIDEO] I directed this "no budget" music video about a month ago.

    It's a simple concept but we wanted to do something for no budget. Granted we already had a camera, and the space we were allowed to use for free had LED lights purchased from Costco, but technically this music video cost me and the band $0. Enjoy:
  12. moonshieldmedia

    Which shotgun mic to rent?

    I may need to rent a shotgun mic for a short film. On my feature, my post prod sound mixed cringed when I told him we used the NTG-3, so I want to avoid that this time. Which mic on this list is the best? $$ ins't the issue, I just want the best and clearest sound for both indoor and outdoor...
  13. moonshieldmedia

    Sound Recordist, 2 days PAID

    Edit: Pulled from another part of the budget to increase the rate because sound is important to me. My first feature film played at film festivals all over the U.S. and now I'm following it up with a new SHORT film (because I'm broke)... Offering $100 per day, most likely 2 days, on Oct. 3rd...
  14. moonshieldmedia

    archived-videos My Feature Film "EVER" is finally online & it's FREE

    Many of you might remember my trailer from a few months back, and maybe you've already seen this article on nofilmschool: But, today is my birthday and I decided to put my entire film online...
  15. moonshieldmedia

    Writer/Director Reps?

    Does anyone know of a good management company or agency (probably in Los Angeles) for writers and directors? I know of all the big companies, but who are the smaller ones that might be looking for up-and-coming talent? I was hoping some reps would seek me out after my festival run this year...
  16. moonshieldmedia

    Vimeo Song Copyright

    Has anyone encountered trouble uploading to Vimeo with popular music? Can you walk me through the process? My situation: I'm about to release a feature film for free on Vimeo Plus (Not Vimeo Pro On Demand). I have secured all the licensing for the music in my film, but there are a couple of...
  17. moonshieldmedia

    Budget Breakdown

    I've seen plenty of budget threads, but I haven't seen what I'm looking for. Anyone have access to an indie budget breakdown in the 75k-200k range? The film should be relatively recent, maybe it played at Sundance in the last 4 or 5 years. Definitely shot digitally. I have made my own budgets...
  18. moonshieldmedia

    Where do I sign on this contract?

    I do not speak legalese... Where do I sign? Why are there multiple spaces to sign? What is my title? Etc... [link removed] ----------- Nevermind, I figured it out!
  19. moonshieldmedia

    Pleased To Announce

    "EVER" has been selected to world premier at the Newport Beach Film Festival in April. It's been a long road making my first feature film, and I can honestly say it wouldn't have been possible without help from this forum. Thank you all! :cheers: EDIT: Official Trailer --...
  20. moonshieldmedia

    Q&A advice?

    Has anyone ever done a Q&A, and do you have any advice? One thing specifically I'm wondering is: When answering questions is it more important to be honest, or to sugar coat things? One example might be that your entire shoot was chaos and everything went wrong and nobody got along on set...