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    Desperate need of crit

    Hey, I have a short 5 page script that I would like some constructive critizism on...if someone would like to read it, please post your e-mail address. This is my first screenplay. Thank you very much.
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    No Experience, but want to gain some

    Hi, I'm in Tucson, Arizona, and I have no experience in film, but I would like to gain some. Unfortunetly, I'm always too afraid to try and find where I can help out to get experience...does anyone even want someone with no experience at all? What's the best way for a newbie in the business to...
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    Film Supply

    Are there any websites out there that specialize in selling film equipment (cameras, mics, etc) for independent filmmakers? Just wondering where the best places are to look for equipment to use for films.
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    Vegas Troubleshooting

    I downloaded the trail version of Vegas 5, and when I uploaded a clip and tryed to play it, it says that Microsoft Sound Mapper cannot be found. Has anyone encountered this problem before, and know what's wrong? If no one know, where is a good place to steer me towards an answer. Thanks.
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    DVD Creation

    What kind of programs do you guys use for DVD creation? I know that if you purchase Vegas 5 that it includes DVD Architect...but what happens if you have another program? What kind of other DVD creators are there out there?
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    editing Best user friendly editing program for PC

    Hey, I was wondering what everyone's favorite editing program is. I am looking for an editing program for the PC that is fairly user friendly, or at least easy to learn, but has alot of features. Thanks, Taylor
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    General questions; anyone from Tucson?

    Hello everyone. I'm a freshman in college at the University of Arizona. I am a Theatre Education major, but I have a huge interest in filmmaking, however, it seems like there's no school here that can teach it to you. I mean...the university has a media arts program, but it closes it to anyone...