Search results

  1. Nate North

    Ghost Forest

    A one hour video album made with the Save Point pipeline to test some new functionality in development. It contains 16 songs. All visuals and music are original. Production cost was around $0.35.
  2. Nate North

    ai Multiple ai agents go live this week

    I don't have long to chat today, But I thought I should at least drop in and mention this important historical milestone that's going on. As of this month the very first ai agents are becoming available. I've already got a few running but it's just the very beginning. If you don't know what...
  3. Nate North

    Blue Steel

    This video is special. Not because of it's quality or content, but because of how it was made. It's demonstrating the first working (partially) pre alpha version of the program "Save Point Vortex Extrapolator". I'm working on building something that requires huge amounts of work to be done...
  4. Nate North

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all citizens of Indytalk and visitors! Best wishes for all your upcoming projects, And I hope you all find success this coming year.
  5. Nate North

    Outside of the Box

    The first production cell of the labyrinth, I might still tweak a few things between now and release. This first cell is important for obvious reasons. I could use a little feedback on how the audio works out on different types of speakers, since I only have studio monitor headphones. Too...
  6. Nate North

    Impossible To Watch

    I've wanted to do this for about a year now, but I thought it was probably impossible. Anyway, today I got it working. I'll improve the quality over time but starting today this is a permanent upgrade which will be available in addition to the standard 2D version. This is a show reel of the...
  7. Nate North

    ai How GPT's new canvas feature can revolutionize how you process film assets

    Let's say you're trying to work on a project, And it would be extremely helpful to you if you're editing software could do some specific job. But it doesn't. Well there's always been a solution to this. All you really need to accomplish your custom task is a high level programmer fluent in a...
  8. Nate North


    I tried this one in 4K 60FPS just as an experiment, Can anyone tell the difference? better? worse? I've always stuck with the traditional 24 frames per second, but was curious as to what the audience reaction would be. You may have to view directly on youtube to get the 4K60, I think they...
  9. Nate North

    ai Labyrinth gallery

    The last time I tried to make a blog about one of these projects, it quickly became unreadable because I was constantly posting pictures from the development in progress which had the tendency to create a situation where new people reading the blog would have to scroll for days. This time I...
  10. Nate North

    blog Labyrinth

    This is a project that has had Over 100 demos and posts over the years, and is now going into production. Its one of three products slated for release using the Save Point hybrid CG/AI pipeline. In all previous articles I've been discussing the technology, design, and art of the project. And...
  11. Nate North

    Zero G Cat Food

    Some clips from the new version of labyrinth.
  12. Nate North

    Clothworld III

    I posted this once before, but it was way down at the bottom of a thread about something else. I didn't consider it to be significant enough to warrant it's own post at the time, but since then it's become my most liked video on the channel. Since people apparently like this one, I decided to...
  13. Nate North

    The Simpsons/Save Point crossover episode

    Being a fan of alternate universe television, I thought it made sense to at least see what this would look like.
  14. Nate North

    Save Point V8 demo

    CLICK THE COG BUTTON AND SELECT 1080p This is a demo of the version 8.0 (or 80% complete) of the save point production pipeline. Upgrades can be seen sporadically throughout the reel and include: Nuanced facial expressions Hair blowing and wind Color matching New lip sync engine Consistent...
  15. Nate North

    suggestion New look

    I think that the new site changes might kill momentum. People aren't really using the status updates that much, Making it a very slow moving feed, burying the more live aspect of the site (new posts) a click under the front page. I feel like you probably already know all this, So I'm just a...
  16. Nate North

    Taking Runway Gen 3 for a test drive

    Every time a new tool or algorithm comes out, I test drive it, to see where they're at, and if it might be of some use in my process chain. So a few days ago Runway Gen 3 arrived, in it's most basic form, and I made a spec video for a smaller band as a test of it's workflow. I'll send this...
  17. Nate North

    Death March art demo

    Just as a time stamp I'd like to note that this video was completed before either runway gen 3 or Sora became available. Runway gen 3 did just launch about an hour ago but does not yet have full controls or capabilities and is only text to video at the moment. This video took about a week to...
  18. Nate North

    Name the Animated Celebrity

    While I don't use unlicensed celebrities in the Save Point project I do absolutely have the technology built to do so whenever that opportunity becomes available. In the meantime, I thought it might make for a fun game to put some famous faces into the new art style, and see if people could...
  19. Nate North


    Just a quick art film side project to take a break from working on Death March. Got out the instruments and scored this one myself for once.
  20. Nate North

    The 7 Day Feature Film Score

    Only about 7 days work on this particular job. This is the score album for "Death March". Check it out, it's pretty good for a feature film soundtrack on a microbudget. Maybe 20 orchestral themes in this video. If any other filmmakers want to know how to do this, I'll be glad to help you...