Search results

  1. Beatlesfan1225

    'I Don't Go To Church' - A New Song For Your Use!

    Hello all! I've been scarce here on the forums as of late due to all of the projects I've been working on. The latest of which, 'New England Elizabeth,' is a new album dropping next Tuesday. I wanted to share the single for the album, 'I Don't Go To Church,' which was released today. As...
  2. Beatlesfan1225

    I'm Still Around! (What I've Been Up To)

    Hey Everyone! I've been absent on IndieTalk for the better part of the past year, which was somewhat abrupt after being one of the more active members here for over four years. So, I wanted to throw up a post in the lounge to let you all know what I've been up to! The reason I've distanced...
  3. Beatlesfan1225

    My New Album - Yours To Use!

    Hey Everyone, It's been quite awhile since I last posted in the forum, but I've been incredibly busy. Today, I released my tenth studio album, titled 'The Dorm Room Tapes.' The record is much softer than 'Rivers Rubin,' the last record I shared with you all. It's meant to be a very soft...
  4. Beatlesfan1225

    My Resignation From Film (Sort Of...)

    Hey Everyone! So I like to believe I've been a fairly active and beneficial part of the community the past four years - I've certainly learned an incredible amount from you all, been involved in some superb discussions, and been involved in five or six excellent collaborations. So, firstly - I...
  5. Beatlesfan1225

    Hodor is moving onto bigger, better things? I got a kick out of this...
  6. Beatlesfan1225

    My New Album - FINALLY OUT!

    Hey Everyone, With great excitement, I give you the followup to my last Rivers Rubin record, titled, well, 'Rivers Rubin.' - It was incredibly arduous album to complete, many months in the making. I even worked with musicians from all around the world in places like Israel and Italy in order to...
  7. Beatlesfan1225

    Help With Youtube Playlist / Organization

    Hey Everyone, So the past week I've been working on curating my Youtube channel a bit more, rounding it off nicely, since I recently passed 1,000 subscribers, and things are finally starting to pick up at a steady pace. So, I want everything to be nice and ready for new and current viewers...
  8. Beatlesfan1225

    First music video I've enjoyed in awhile...

    I thought I'd share this link; I really thoroughly enjoyed the cinematography/style of this new McCartney music video. Normally, I don't get more than a minute or two into music videos before I leave and just listen to the record - something about many of them feels processed and disconnected to...
  9. Beatlesfan1225

    Making a Musical Album a Film?

    Hey Everyone! So as of late, my work has been primarily music related - mostly for two reasons. First, I've spent the last five months recording my ninth album that comes out on Tuesday, and second, I'm in the awkward state of limbo between home and film school, to which I leave for mid-August...
  10. Beatlesfan1225

    Bruce Springsteen's New Short Film

    Hey Everyone, I thought I'd throw a link up to this in the lobby. I don't know quite how I feel about it - I'm a huge Springsteen fan, and a huge fan of his album from this year. However, I didn't fully understand the short film - they've been marketing it for a couple weeks as a big deal, if...
  11. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos Rivers Rubins' Analog Recordings

    Hey Everyone, So, this is geared towards music/audio - but I figured I'd throw it into the experimental area - because it is very experimental. Every time I release a new episode, I'll just throw it in this same thread. So, I began a weekly series last week where I will be releasing one fully...
  12. Beatlesfan1225

    editing Music Videos - Creating Audio Visually

    Hey Everyone, So I've noticed in recent years, at an increasing rate, most bands and artists release a Youtube video for their early singles on albums, and the video is often either a static image of the album art, or a video that utilizes the audio to create the visuals. This tactic is a nice...
  13. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos My New Musical Equipment Series

    Hey Everyone, So this doesn't really fit into any of the screening categories, so I'll throw it in 'other.' This is a new series I've been meaning to start directed towards viewers who are looking for quality reviews and demonstrations of musical instruments and equipment. Over the years I've...
  14. Beatlesfan1225

    Stargate Reboot Trilogy I'm incredibly excited for this - I'm a huge Stargate fan, and can't wait to see it reimagined! I just sincerely hope that these reboot films spark a series again, because I think Stargate lends itself much better to television...
  15. Beatlesfan1225

    TASCAM DR-40

    Hey Everyone, So I was hoping I could get some advice as to whether or not this piece of equipment could be valuable to my setup. I'm a diehard TASCAM fan, since I've been using their interface equipment for years in my studio and absolutely love it. So, I'm attracted to the DR-40. The main...
  16. Beatlesfan1225

    archived-videos Romeo & Juliet

    Hey Everyone! So many of you may remember back when I started a thread to get advice/tips as to how to improve the filming aspect of my music videos. I took all of those ideas into account, and I've currently been working on better shoots. Now, since specific shoot was done with a time...
  17. Beatlesfan1225

    Using News Clips / Old Videos & Reels

    Hey Everyone, So I was wondering - how does one go about using news clips or older pieces of film or video? For example - If I wanted to use news clips from March on Wallstreet, which is fairly current, or if I wanted to use newsreels from Vietnam, or even old film clips from the Great...
  18. Beatlesfan1225

    Double Posters Getting A Bit Much...

    Alright, So is it just me, or has double posting been remarkably prevalent recently? In the past week I've seen at least five different users all reposting their threads over and over in the forum - I saw one today that was a call out for directors popping up in like 5 or 6 different forums, it...
  19. Beatlesfan1225

    Need Advice On My Website Please!

    Hello Everyone, So I've gone through at least ten redesigns of my website over the course of five or six years, usually hopping between services, builders, etc. The past two years, however, I've been using Adobe Muse and have been very satisfied with it, for the most part. (Even though its few...
  20. Beatlesfan1225

    Crowdfunding Your Project Succesfully

    So over the years I've read countless threads in this forum on crowdfunding. More often than not, it's usually a new user briefly dropping by to get us to throw money at them, or it's a user that's frustrated/unsuccessful at the process. As I look at websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, I...