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  1. King Goldfish

    Happy Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving. I hope yours was a good one. And happy umm.. Happy Days to non Americans too! :yes:
  2. King Goldfish

    tutorial on how to capture video..

    This isnt for lincenced DVD or anything. But if you're on the internet and see a flash video you want to save (check for regulations) this is how it's done. Its just a small process and though the software is free you might have to purchase a mic jack cable with 2 male ends. OK, go to...
  3. King Goldfish

    Cool 3d??

    I remember having a demo of a software that would take several of your photos and turn it into a 360 panaramic view using flash player. anyone know what I'm talking about? I thought it was called Cool 3D but i don't think thats it. I dont remember if it was Unlead or a sony product. I think...
  4. King Goldfish

    archived-videos replacing original Audio soundbites.. right click and save. I was testing some synthesizer sounds and layered and added reverb and some other fx to a rocket sound to simulate the shuttle. Though this is a cnn video, its not the original sound to go with it. I got rid of the annoying...
  5. King Goldfish

    Movie Lingo...

    Hey, I know credits are at the end of the film, But I know that "Credits" is not the official term for showing names of actors at the begining of a movie. What is the proper term for that. Some people say "Opening Credits" but its not the official term. Anyone know? Also, Anyone want to add...
  6. King Goldfish

    Noise Canceling audio...

    Hi, You may have remembered me asking about an inexpensive way of making a microphone for my camcorder with no hotshoe. I know there are shotgun mics that are battery operated, but what I want to do is try and remove any noises over the voice. I think this can be done based on the idea that...
  7. King Goldfish

    I was messing around with audio stuff

    I was messing with an audio loop software and though its a bit overkill at the begining, I was wondering what you think of when you hear it. Please listen the whole way through. Im not a musician, I've farted around with layering, though. :) if it doesnt...
  8. King Goldfish

    Wow, This is a neat tool.

    I was bored an checking out There is a program called "Sweet Little Piano". It makes you computer keyboard a Synthasizer. here is the direct link But its more then a piano. it has all kinds of sound...
  9. King Goldfish for the Hobbyist or will bring you to my new website that I am creating. I currently have some of my 3D photos and will soon be adding shortfilms that I have or will create. I believe my blog allows people to post comments, but I will soon be adding a...
  10. King Goldfish

    IPOD as a presentation device

    I dont know if anyone here has posted a thread regarding this, but if they did, then go ahead and merge th is. I was thinking the best way to show off your films to the Big Wigs is to do it on an IPOD. It would be alot easier then carrying around a laptop. anyone agree? Also, Does anyone own...
  11. King Goldfish

    Tricks from the Director of American Pie?

    I know, Long header, But im looking at a banner for "American Dreams". It says "From the director of "About a Boy" and "American Pie". Noticed anything about the titles? yeah, the obvious, They all start with an A. Do you think this is a sales tactic so his movies are the first scene at...
  12. King Goldfish

    Anyone see this 80s Classic Film?

    Electric Dreams (1984) Bud Cort (Harold and Maude) plays the voice of the Computer (edger?) I kept looking on Netflix for it but couldnt find it. At first I couldnt remember the name of it. I for some reason thought the name was "Electric Blue" until I did some research. I really loved this...
  13. King Goldfish

    Popular Indie Sites?

    I dont mean a forum like this. Im talking about those sites that people upload their little films or even stuff they recorded off the TV. I know there is like 3 well known ones. Ifilms?? Is that one of them. And also, what are other good ones for people to upload stuff they recorded or have...
  14. King Goldfish

    3D Film.

    Im thinking of creating a 3D short film. Im going to videotape either one video and slightly pan the video and crop it and make one red and one blue and overlap them over a solid center shot. or Im going to try and videotape using 2 cameras and align then just slightly offset as your eyes would...
  15. King Goldfish

    Umm Where is the Zen

    Yeah. December 2005 was the last time our Friend Steve has posted. Is he ok?:huh:
  16. King Goldfish

    What the HELL did I just do?

    Haha, I clicked lobby to enter this forum and something loaded and I was in a live chat. I must say, indietalk has installed one of the best live chat UI's i have ever seen. did you purchase that off of MS?
  17. King Goldfish

    My first 3D Anaglyph....Tutorial/2d to 3d

    Hi, I've learned you can actually create a 3D photo with a 2D picture. It's pretty hard to do in color, but a greyscale photo is fairly easy. You will of course need a pair of 3D Glasses. Right=cyan, left=red. basically this is what you do. create a greyscale photo (I used simple geometry...
  18. King Goldfish

    Screenplay template?

    Or a script template showing an easy way to format or write out your script so it looks somehwhat professional? would like to get some things down on paper with character names and dialogues. Nothing to complicated please.
  19. King Goldfish

    Cameras I use

    I was cleaning out my closet and came across my old Toshiba SK F200. Out of curiosity, I looked on eBay and saw one just sold for 20 bucks. LOL, I payed like 1200 bucks for this in 1988. Its a great camera and still works. Just wondering what (cameras equipment) most of you use. My VHS...
  20. King Goldfish

    "Dark Star" 1974 classic college cult film.

    Anyone see this? I saw it when I was 9 when it came out at the theatre. I rented it on VHS last year but the tape was chewed up. I just rented the DVD from netflix and it has both the orriginal theatrical release and an uncut version (which I watched last night). the acting wasnt bad, since...