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  1. DrKHawonaha

    format Voice overs!?

    Thank you mlesemann, Does that hold true if the V.O. is not actually describing what is going on in the montage? As in my case, the V.O. is a general diatribe of intent from a character. The content of the montage is not described at all.
  2. DrKHawonaha

    vfx Double Chroma Key tutorial

    Hello, I don't know Vegas (I primarily use Fusion or Nuke for compositing) so I don't know if this would be even possible for you. If I was to attempt this I would try and achieve it with multiple input nodes (or layers) that are then composited within the software. As a rule of thumb in VFX you...
  3. DrKHawonaha

    format Voice overs!?

    Hello, I've been attempting to work this one out myself, prior to reaching out to the good, learned, people of this forum, but I'm not convinced by my efforts. I have a sequence in the screenplay, I am currently working on, that could be considered a montage of events. Each of these 'events'...
  4. DrKHawonaha

    sound Infrasound

    I was totally unawares! The very origins of the moving image was based on (cheap) spectacle. Was it not 'manipulation' when it was discovered that the eye could be tricked at an optimal 24/25 FPS? I am very interested, and when I begin my next production, I will research further. Thank you for...
  5. DrKHawonaha

    Hi, everyone! New, here.

    Hello, Can you tell more about your past or current projects? (it's cruel to pique our interests and not divulge a little 😉)
  6. DrKHawonaha

    Novice screenwriter..with a completed screenplay

    Hello Steven, What is this (alleged) great piece of work? Is It a movie screenplay? what is the genre? How, ideally, would you like to proceed? I'd love to help. if possible, or at least offer my thoughts, but you need to be a little more forthcoming with the details please. Cheers
  7. DrKHawonaha

    critique WORK IN PROGRESS scripts

    Wow dude! You certainly are prolific! I'm trying to read 'Life as a screenplay' but I'm struggling. it's probably me, I'm not the quickest reader, so if the grammar is incomplete or colloquial, I get easily confused. My first thoughts are (now this is not a critique, just an personal feeling)...
  8. DrKHawonaha

    screenplay Descriptions and time

    Thank you directorik, You have very much echoed my thoughts (but it's better coming from you... as I don't trust my thoughts!!) As we speak I an writing a draft which is solely for my own personal understanding. Once this is complete I will make a 'producer-friendly' edition. (I guess i could...
  9. DrKHawonaha

    story First time screenwriter in need of assistance

    This really a call to all other members. I've read the OP's script and we have shared a few thoughts. I would be great if some of the other member could have a read.
  10. DrKHawonaha


    Hello mate, I to have a dog. He's a beagle.
  11. DrKHawonaha

    screenplay Descriptions and time

    Thank you very much, it all helps, even if the advice is painful! My current 'working' draft is riddled with an over abundance of camera and character direction. I know this is a problem, in the same way I, deep down, know my descriptions of the action scenes are far too detailed. My excuse is...
  12. DrKHawonaha

    plot "Project Dragon": Plot Feedback

    I think it sounds great, It reminds me of when I was a kid and Enter The Dragon was released, which is a good thing. My only real comment stems from my own lack of confidence. You have quite a few very interesting characters, each one deserving of it's own treatment, and there are, no doubt...
  13. DrKHawonaha

    screenplay Descriptions and time

    Hello All, Please accept my apologies in advance. I have a lot of question flitting around my tiny mind, so this might be the first of many cries for help. I have read, somewhere, that there are no 'set in stone' rules for writer/director scripts, this is good because I have probably broken...
  14. DrKHawonaha

    story First time screenwriter in need of assistance

    Hello, and thank you very much for the tip. I will give it a try.
  15. DrKHawonaha

    story First time screenwriter in need of assistance

    I'm totally up for reading others work, helping if I can, and learning what I can myself. But, how do we MP (or 'DM', or what ever the kids are calling it these days) on this forum?
  16. DrKHawonaha

    critique Ziu, the lonely andriod - Feedback on Short sci-fi drama

    It's fun. Get yourself connected to a 3D animation facility or university. It's perfect animation material.
  17. DrKHawonaha

    story Post your films story here to receive feedback

    wow! That is an adventure. I think the 'real' fantastical element here though, is your budget! I'd love to see this in fruition, but, to be brutally honest, I'd be very very surprised if you managed half the first paragraph within your budget. This is not a critique of your story, which is...
  18. DrKHawonaha

    critique Inamorata - Short Thriller - 9 Pages

    That was fantastic, l really enjoyed it. If I was to take your script, as it is now, for pre-production work, it is perfect to begin building with. Sorry, I have very little experience with the actual art of script writing, I can only offer my opinion in relation to the feasibility, and...
  19. DrKHawonaha

    I feel a bit of a fraud... but hello everyone

    I don't think of myself as a writer. I have always struggled with writing and this has caused me to never really consider it as an undertaking. I feel far more comfortable and confident in the more visual arts, illustration, design and composition, and it was through this route that I got into...