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    distribution Alternatives to iTunes and Amazon Video Direct?

    Out of curiosity how much is Facebook charging per user's home page they stick an ad on?
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    event Free talk explaining Equity Crowdfunding in L.A.

    Crowdfunding is basically hounding your friends for donations. Unless you can get some sort of big publicity (on radio, tv, etc), or you have a ton of followers on a social media platform (such as if you're a Kardashian) then your crowdfunding effort will fail.
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    distribution Alternatives to iTunes and Amazon Video Direct?

    Amazon has been purging lots of titles. And when they do, they don't give a SPECIFIC explanation why. Just more of big tech censoring content that doesn't fit the left wing, progressive agenda.
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    press-release My policically charged Mockumentary

    Oh I was going to the BitChute page. Fixed the Daily Motion page.
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    press-release My policically charged Mockumentary

    That's strange. If you go to the page, it's spelled right.
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    press-release My policically charged Mockumentary

    Demonetized by YouTube for obvious political reasons. Updated link.... If that link fails then there's always BitChute
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    Cost to hire a good voiceover guy?

    Well I wound up doing the narration myself by putting on my fake British accent and using the pitch shift on a Yamaha SPX-90.
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    press-release My policically charged Mockumentary

    "Life After Republicans, a Mockumentary". Welcome to America, Republican population: ZERO!!! This critically acclaimed film examines what would happen if every Republican were to suddenly vanish and Democrats were left in charge. In this thought experiment, scientists and other experts speculate...
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    marketing How to get press release out?

    I'm just about done with my politically charged Mockumentary short that makes fun of Democrats. Anyone know of any services that allow you to do a press release all on one fell swoop? I'm gonna email conservative news link sites like DrudgeReport, TheLibertyDaily and CitizenFreePress. I know...
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    Choosing a career.

    Yeah think big and be positive. That'll help you get blood out of a rock. LOL Eric Glatt did just that. But he thought even bigger when he quit the business and filed his lawsuit.
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    distribution Physical Vs. Digital Home Video Release

    I'm just saying that I would question any distributor that claims that they can get you some sort of significant indie DVD distribution in the US. What's left of DVD distribution? Best Buy and Wal-Mart? They only carry "the hits". Even if you could get into those stores you won't get any sales...
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    distribution Physical Vs. Digital Home Video Release

    Do people still buy physical media? The distributor will get the DVDs into WHAT stores?
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    sound ADR in a film

    I look at ADR as an opportunity to make their dialog BETTER! Yes ADR takes practice as a director. You have to identify when their performance isn't up to par or the timing is off. One thing I DON'T do is lead people in with a click track. That throws them off. I play them the clip a few times...
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    sound Effects for narration track

    Anyone ever heard of applying the haas effect to narration to "beef" it up? A little dash of extra compression at the mixing stage? I'm now working on mixing the sound for my Mockumentary parody of Life After People.
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    legal How do you protect your work?

    I've heard stories of major networks lifting ideas from people. Then what? Spend $100,000 to take them to court? Or if some small time person steals your idea, then what? Sue somebody who's broke? I know someone who had their T-shirt design flat out stolen by someone who was selling them. They...
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    festivals Low Budget Feature Film Festivals

    I was going to suggest but this site is shutting down. On a side note, too many film festivals are just money making scams.
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    camera-gear Best camera for $200 - $300

    Well the camera and gear that I bought was about 66% of my budget. I got the Sony A6300. I might sell it when I'm done. That will reduce the budget down to about 25%. But keep in mind that 90% of this mockumentary that I'm doing is stock clips. The rest is mostly interviews and B-roll footage...
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    Choosing a career.

    Someone who doesn't mind working for peanuts unless and until they can get a job working for a big studio. A lucrative "career" as an editor is a long shot -- Like pursuing a career in music. This thread reminds me of the guy (Eric Glatt) who gave up a $95,000 a year job at insurance company...
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    sound Sound Design Tips

    Look for software that supports video tracks. I've been using Nuendo for about 20 years.
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    distribution Alternatives to iTunes and Amazon Video Direct?

    I signed up with FilmHub and uploaded my film in late Feb 2019 and my film was delivered to Amazon (UK, US and RoW), Vimeo, and UDU Digital. That's it. Amazon still has not re-accepted my film. It was purged back in January from Amazon Prime after I delivered it on my own and had it available...