Search results

  1. sfoster

    actors Release the Hound

  2. sfoster

    actors Release the Hound

    Ray Stevenson (1964-2023) known for his starring role in Kill the Irishman (2011) passed away in 2023. Ray's performance in season 1 of Ahsoka (2023) was extraordinary, his character Baylan became an instant fan favorite as one of the most fascinating Jedis ever put to screen. After a long...
  3. sfoster

    series What series are you watching?

    I finished the 6th and final episode today - the finale was slower pacing than the first five episodes, and had a mediocre ending with unanswered questions that was rather unsatisfying. I wish they stuck the landing better, but still glad I watched it. In particular the battle scenes were...
  4. sfoster

    series What series are you watching?

    American Primeval is great. I dislike westerns and their stupid dusty saloons, this series has a lot more wilderness and indians. Personally I haven't seen Taylor Kitsch since his Waco miniseries and he's done a great job in both
  5. sfoster

    social-media Fkkking YouTube - an anti AI rant!

    What do you use for music streaming? I tried spotify and it kept forcing songs I dislike.
  6. sfoster

    social-media Fkkking YouTube - an anti AI rant!

    I've never had that issue with youtube premium. I don't mind paying for youtube - it's one of the coolest inventions of my lifetime. Remember when you had to flip through old school instruction manuals and try to figure out the most tedious shit? Now you just watch someone else do it step by...
  7. sfoster

    Tales from the Net

    Long long ago I joined an internet forum with ~100 active daily posters. One of them announced a pregnancy, a week later she was in a car accident and lost the baby, with unconvincing makeup in place of bruises. A bit of sleuthing unraveled the whole plot - she was never pregnant, there was no...
  8. sfoster

    industry MoviePass CEO Admits Fraud

    Nate I think you would like the Blackberry movie if you haven't seen it 😅 Those guys were so fucking impotent without the CEO
  9. sfoster

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    I scrolled past this thinking it was a civil war movie about Robert E. Lee's wife or something 😆
  10. sfoster

    series What series are you watching?

    Right!! It's wild how oversaturated the market is. Be warned there's some very cringey sex humor, it'd fit right in with the "American Pie" audience demographic.
  11. sfoster

    series What series are you watching?

    Incredible casting on Pete Davidson's peacock TV show Bupkis. Joe Pesci as grandfather, Edie Flaco as mother, Brad Garrett (Everybody Loves Raymond Brother) is funny as always, Charlie Day as a therapist This is the best performance by bobby cannavale since the station agent in 2003. He's so...
  12. sfoster

    industry MoviePass CEO Admits Fraud

    Can you believe it? That someone would use 'artificial intelligence' as a buzzword to mislead investors? We all knew this was happening 😆 "unlimited" movies was a lie. It's...
  13. sfoster

    budget How much to do these?

    wtf 80mph winds 😳 flames spreading 3 football fields per minute. they're using bulldozers to push abandon cars out of the way for firetrucks. what a disaster.
  14. sfoster

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    Netflix's Cunk on Life What a fucking one-liner. [In British accent] It's not all gold like that, but I enjoyed this cunkerful addition to her repertoire. I watched It Happened One Night on new years eve. Great film, been a while since I've seen it, this was my second time watching.
  15. sfoster

    budget How much to do these?

    That'll show me. Really give it to me!
  16. sfoster

    budget How much to do these?

    You want respect for doing nothing for 15 years? 😆 😆 😆 no. that's not how respect works. I can either take you seriously and be frustrated or I can accept you're not a serious person and laugh at how absurd you are. I choose to laugh. Life is more fun with laughter.
  17. sfoster

    budget How much to do these?

    I've been giving you a hard time lately - my feeble attempt at challenging you to produce something. I'm going to stop with that, because if I keep it up I'm going to feel like a troll. I just need to say one more thing and get this off my chest. You have a bonafide, lifetime professional...
  18. sfoster

    favorite Favorite TV to Movie, Movie to TV Adaptations?

    You compared yourself to his accomplishments and said you were in good company 🤷‍♂️
  19. sfoster

    favorite Favorite TV to Movie, Movie to TV Adaptations?

    You and Antoine Fuqua are like two peas in a pod, separated at birth
  20. sfoster

    Blue Steel

    Robots playing acoustic guitars is not how I expected this to begin, but congratulations!